When water entered the houses, the residents made a ruckus: Due to lack of drainage system, the water entered the houses of Pantnagar, the residents came out on the road in protest

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  • Due To Lack Of Drainage System, Water Entered The Houses Of Pantnagar, The Residents Came Out On The Road In Protest

Sea16 minutes ago

In protest, the residents did a ruckus.

Incessant rain continues in Sagar. The torrential rains from Sunday night to Monday morning worsened the situation in the city. Rain water has entered the low-lying settlements. People are getting upset because of the water entering. Since morning, people are working to empty the houses by installing motor pumps in their homes. In some houses, the contents of the household have been damaged due to water logging. Angry residents of the ward took to the road in protest due to water filling the houses. They blocked the road. Residents said that the councilors, MLAs and officials have complained many times regarding the problems of the ward, but they are not being heard. Rain water is filled in the houses since night.

Cooking has to be done by sitting on the bed. Motinagar police station reached the spot as soon as the information about the traffic jam was received. Educated the people and pacified them. At the same time, the officials of the Municipal Corporation also reached the spot and took stock of the situation. Residents say that there is no drainage system in the ward. Drains were not built. Due to which water is accumulating. People are getting upset due to water drainage in the whole city. Due to the work of smart city people are facing problems.

When water entered the houses in Pantnagar, the food was prepared by sitting on the bed.

Collectors took to the streets, seeing the situation in the city
Incessant rains have created water logging conditions in the city. As soon as the information was received, Collector Deepak Arya, along with the Corporation Commissioner, Smart City CEO, took to the streets of the city. Reached the places of waterlogging and took stock of the situation. He has given instructions to make arrangements for water drainage at the earliest.

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