Yoga for asthma: Breathing exercises for patients with bronchial asthma

Every organ, muscle and system in the body is affected by our breathing, which happens naturally and without our conscious involvement however, when we breathe intentionally like during Yoga practice, we may change this especially for the better for patients with bronchial asthma. Once the entire body is in balance, our thoughts and actions will be in harmony as breathing’s roles include bringing the body into alignment, calming it down and reawakening it.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, Himalaya Yoga Ashram and World Yoga Organisation, explained, “Controlling our breathing can aid in emotional regulation. You’ll notice that when we cry, when we’re angry, etc., our breathing becomes laboured and shallow. Therefore, by just controlling our breathing, we can control our emotions. We can learn to remain composed and support our own growth.”

Talking about Yoga for patients with bronchial asthma, he suggested, “It is advised to begin with Shaant gathi (Slow Speed) while learning these techniques for the first time and gradually increase your practise intensity before progressing to Madyam (Medium Speed), then Tivra Gami (Fast Speed). By practising in Tivra gami, you can graduate to that level but Shant gati is still ideal for experienced practitioners because all three of these levels have positive benefits on the body and the mind.”

He recommended the following Yoga exercises or easy breathing techniques:

1. Bhastrika Pranayama

Breathing exercises are known as pranayama and this one is referred to as bhastrika. Your breath should make a sound similar to the bellows blacksmiths use while performing this pranayama.

The practise of bhastrika helps the body’s capacity grow. As you deepen your practise of this breathing method, you’ll benefit in a number of ways—physical, psychological, and spiritual.


• Take up any comfortable position for sitting, such as Sukhasan, Ardhapadmasan, or Padmasana.

Close your eyes, arch your back, and place your hands in the Prapthi Mudra on your knees.

• Take a full, deep breath in and out. Inhalation to exhalation should be a 1:1 ratio. For instance, if you take six breaths in, you must also take six breaths out

2. Anulom Vilom

The term anulom vilom refers to a specific type of controlled breathing (pranayama) utilised in the practise of yoga. In order to do it, you must keep one nostril closed when inhaling and the other closed while exhaling. After that, the process is repeated in reverse.

A few of the many stated medical and psychological benefits of alternate nostril breathing include stress reduction, improved breathing, and improved circulation. Scientific evidence backs up some of these statements.


• Sit down in a relaxed position, ideally cross-legged. (such as Ardhapadmasan, Sukhasan, or Padmasana) • Align your spine and close your eyes

• The technique entails breathing via your opposing nostrils, with your left nose inhaling and your right nostril expelling.

• To complete a breath cycle, close your right nostril for left-sided inhalation, your left nose for right-sided exhalation, and your right nostril for right-sided inhalation.

• Use your thumb to gently press the air out of your nostril. The right nostril’s airflow is intended to be stopped.

• Make sure that when you inhale through your left nose, your right nostril feels equally pressured.

• Breathe deeply as you inhale.

• As you open your right nose, close your left nostril to let

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar concluded, “These four pranayama breathing techniques—Basthrika, Udgeeth, Anulom Vilom, and Kapal Bhati—will be very helpful to you. When carried out correctly, it enables us to go deeper and gain a number of physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits. Every practitioner should take the time to completely master them as a result.”

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