What did Joe Biden say about the arms embargo in America?

Joe Biden on Assault Weapons: Incidents of gun firing have been frequent in America. Many people have lost their lives due to gun violence. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has said that he is determined to impose a ban on assault weapons. On August 25, during a rally of Democratic supporters, Joe Biden clearly reiterated that he wanted to ban arms.

There has been a constant demand to ban gun violence in America, while there has been opposition to the ban on keeping guns. President Joe Biden has said in the past that by banning weapons, we can save the lives of our country’s children.

What did Biden say about the arms embargo?

Richard Montgomery High School in the Maryland suburb of Washington held its first political rally in the November elections as the Democratic National Committee organized. Praising the recent gun law, US President Joe Biden said that I promise you that we will not stop here. I am determined to ban weapons of attack in this country. I did it once before and we will do it again.

concerns about social security

President Joe Biden at a rally on Thursday called for protecting Social Security and a ban on assault weapons. Let us inform that schools and even churches are not safe in the flood of gun industry in the country. On August 24, a gunman shot 5 people in the US capital Washington DC, in which two people died. At the same time, 1 died in a firing incident in Baltimore. Nine people were injured in the firing at both the places.

Hundreds of lives have been lost in firing incidents

Hundreds of people including children have lost their lives in the country due to continuous incidents of firing in America. In the US in the month of May, 10 people died in the Buffalo incident. 21 people were killed in the Yuwalde incident, mostly children. It was only after the Buffalo incident that President Joe Biden expressed concern about moving forward with the gun ban.

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