Want well-rounded fitness progress and not one-dimensional? Here’s how Yoga can help

Yoga is a practise that takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing since included are several disciplines like as philosophy, mudras, pranayama, meditation and physical postures. Yoga emphasises the spiritual, physical and mental aspects of overall wellness and with this holistic approach, you can be sure that progress will be well-rounded and not one-dimensional.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddha Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Research and Development Centre, explained, “Yoga’s true purpose—unification with oneself and with a higher state of consciousness—may help you better understand yourself if you practise it. When you are able to establish an honest connection with yourself, you will be able to view the world with love and understanding.”

He elaborated, “Through the philosophy of Yoga, which promotes oneness, we can start to learn how to live in peace and harmony with one another and with all other amazing beings. In the end, this will bring about harmony—not only inside our own families but also everywhere else on Earth.” According to him, following are the 4 ways that Yoga could improve your quality of life:

1. Connects you with self – Every time we come to the mat for ourselves, this practise shapes and forms our capacity to love ourselves. If we seek the affection, acceptance, and approval of others, we will never truly be happy. Once those things or people happen, so will our love for ourselves and life. Yoga teaches us to enjoy our own company through the practise of asanas, pranayama, and meditation. One is encouraged to make decisions that are optimal for their growth and health by practising Yoga. Our relationship with oneself becomes stronger every time we choose the best course of action for ourselves.

2. Inhale in the goodness – When you’re upset, furious, apprehensive, nervous, etc., pay attention to your breathing as an excellent predictor of your emotional condition. Your breathing becomes laboured, fast, harsh, erratic, or shallow when you’re in an unpleasant situation. Yoga teaches you to become more aware of your breath via its different practises, giving you the power to choose how to respond. If you wish to reclaim the natural calmness and serenity of your body and mind, you should give yoga a try.

3. Strengthens your purpose – Tools like meditation are a very powerful strategy to improve clarity and focus. This is possible because meditation slows down and calms the mind. You begin to achieve increased awareness and, as a result, a more calm internal state with practise and regularity. When your mind is calm and unagitated, your focus will be more acute. When there are no outside distractions, you have greater energy to find your purpose or accomplish your goal. Yoga brings out the best in you by increasing your overall productivity, which boosts your happiness. By employing these techniques for mindful awareness and meditation, you might help your own transformation.

4. Learn about your hidden talents – One’s resolve is strengthened by yoga. Yoga poses challenge our physical limits, while pranayama and meditation sharpen and strengthen our mental faculties, giving us the clarity and tenacity to face whatever challenges life presents. We have the ability to set out on a journey of self-discovery where, with practised devotion and determination, we begin to uncover the hidden gems of inner potential that are waiting to be revealed within us. We can learn about and strive for a greater, more meaningful direction and purpose in life through Yoga.

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