The shopkeeper of 50 rupees stabbed the customer: condition critical, had gone to eat biryani, the Kotwali in-charge said – both were intoxicated

Jalaun7 minutes ago

In Jalaun, there was a dispute between the shopkeeper and the customer over Rs 50. The dispute escalated so much that the shopkeeper attacked the customer with a knife. This caused a knife to enter his stomach. He was seriously injured. The young man was admitted to the hospital. The police reached the information and started investigating the matter.

The injured were admitted to the district hospital.

The incident is of Ambedkar crossroads of Orai Kotwali area. Here on Tuesday late evening, Ramji Yadav, a resident of Patel Nagar locality, went to eat biryani at Ambedkar Square in the city. After eating biryani, there was a dispute with his shopkeeper Ram Singh Verma regarding the transaction of 50 rupees for biryani.

The dispute escalated to such an extent that a scuffle broke out between them. In this, shopkeeper Ram Singh stabbed the knife kept in the shop in Ramji’s stomach. In this, he fell there covered in blood. People admitted the youth to the district hospital. The shopkeeper who carried out the incident fled away.

The injured Ramji says, “I went to the shop to eat biryani. I had given him 50 rupees before giving the biryani, but after eating the biryani he was again asking for money. On this told him that he had already got 50 rupees. The money was given to him. He started refusing this. There was an altercation about this. In which the shopkeeper attacked him with a knife.

Both were intoxicated – Inspector-in-Charge
In-charge of Orai Kotwali Inspector Shiv Kumar Rathore says, “The matter is being investigated. The dispute was only about the transaction of 50 rupees. No written complaint has been received, this dispute happened under the influence of alcohol.

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