Terrorists’ orgy lasted for 14 hours in Somalia hotel, 15 people died – 10 big things about the attack

Somalia Hyatt Hotel: Terrorists have once again tried to create panic in the world by attacking the Hyatt Hotel in Mogadishu city of Somalia. In the city of Mogadishu, terrorists of a terrorist organization named ‘Al-Shabab’ linked to al-Qaeda have targeted the hotel. 15 people died in this terrorist attack incident. While the injured are being treated in the hospital. The al-Shabaab group has claimed responsibility for the attack. So let’s know that 10 big things about the terrorist attack in Somalia ..

10 big things about the terrorist attack in Somalia

  • The Al-Shabaab terrorist group has links with the larger terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. The al-Shabaab group has claimed responsibility for the Somalia attack.
  • The terrorist attack in Mohadishu, the capital of Somalia, is similar to 26/11 in Mumbai. The fighters held the Hyatt Hotel here for 15 hours by the al-Shabaab group.
  • Terrorist attack on Hyal Hotel in Somalia killed 15 people. While many lol are seriously injured. Among the dead are many big businessmen including the owner of the hotel.
  • The Al-Shabaab terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack on the Hyatt Hotel in Mohadishu. At the same time, as long as the terrorists remained in the hotel, there was an atmosphere of chaos in the surrounding area, people were scared.
  • Intel officials were meeting at the Hyatt Hotel during the terrorist attack. Whereas, sources confirmed that the NISA Banadir Commander, Muhyiddin Warback was injured in the attack.
  • Al-Shabaab militants took a large number of people hostage inside the Hyatt Hotel, but the exact number of people they had taken hostage was not known.
  • The commander of the elite counter-terror unit ‘Dufan’ said that efforts were on to clear the surrounding area and rescue people during the attack.
  • Along with 15 people, the owner of the hotel, Abdirahman Iman, has also died in the terrorist attack at the Hyatt Hotel. At the same time, it is also being told that 2 businessmen have also died.
  • According to Somali security forces, al-Shabaab terrorists were camping on the top floor of the Hyatt Hotel. The sounds of explosions and gunshots continued to be heard in the area.
  • Finally, after about 15 hours, the Somali security forces conducted an operation and got the hotel free from the terrorists.

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