Laborer’s death in Shivpuri: Used to work at a marble shop, buried under marble while working, read… full news

Shivpuri32 minutes ago

A laborer died after being buried under stones on Jeet Marble located on Babu Quarter Road of Physical Police Station area of ​​Shivpuri. The physical police station has started investigation after establishing a road. According to the information, 23-year-old Gagan’s son Omprakash Namdev, a resident of Arya Samaj Road, used to work at a marble shop located in Babu Quarter. When he was working as a laborer, he got injured by being buried under a stone. It is being told that he was buried under the stones for a long time, due to which he died.

When a girl saw Gagan buried under the stones, she informed Raviraj Sharma, the operator of the shop. After this the operator of the marble shop swung into action and called other laborers and got him out from under the stones. After which Gagan was taken to the district hospital where doctors declared him dead, but people did not agree with Gagan for treatment, they took Gagan to a private hospital but in the private hospital also Gagan was declared dead. After this, Gagan was taken to the medical college in Shivpuri. Gagan was also declared dead in the medical college. During this entire sequence of events, Gagan was buried under the stones for a long time, during which no one could see, due to which he died. In this regard, when the operator of the marble shop says that Gagan used to paint the temples in his place. How he reached towards the stones is not known to him. When a girl came and told him that a boy was buried under the stones, then when he went and saw it, he came out of the sky. The physical police station has started investigation after establishing a road.

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