Dragon upset due to India’s alert in Hind Ocean, false allegations against Indian media

China on India: China is looking very upset due to India’s alert in the Indian Ocean. Dragon has also got chilly due to India’s intervention regarding China’s spy ship at Hambantota port. The report of the Global Times, the mouthpiece of the Chinese government, said that the Indian media has always been on high alert regarding the influence of China.

China has falsely alleged that these media have exaggerated China’s general activities in the Indian Ocean with a bias and even created a rift in China-Sri Lanka relations. Tried to create.

China’s spy ship Yuan Wang 5 has reached the Sri Lankan port of Hambantota on Tuesday. According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, several Sri Lankan officials, including the President’s representative, attended the reception hosted by Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Qi Zhenhong.

China-Sri Lanka Relations

China, which has trapped Sri Lanka in the debt trap, kept on lying on lies through the Global Times. According to Chinese state media, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that China and Sri Lanka are traditionally friendly and close neighbours. Over the years, the two countries have maintained close cooperation in marine scientific research. China stands ready to work with Sri Lanka to strengthen political mutual trust and promote healthy and stable development of relations between the two countries.

Third party should not interfere – China

Wang stressed that Yuan Wang 5’s scientific research activities are in accordance with international law and common practice and should not be interfered with by third parties. China alleged that India was using Sri Lanka for political pressure and interference in Sri Lanka’s private and general foreign exchange and cooperation.

India opposed the Chinese spy

The Global Times said that the ship was originally scheduled to dock at the port of Hambantota on August 11, but India has continued to dock at the port of Hambantota, citing national security concerns. ) was pressurized to postpone the arrival of the Chinese ship. Wang also said in a press conference earlier that it is “completely inappropriate” for some countries to cite so-called security concerns to put pressure on Sri Lanka.

read this also:

China Spy Ship: What is China saying about India’s concern on the spy ship that reached Sri Lanka?

China Warns Britain: Chinese Ambassador’s warning to Britain – Do not cross the red line in American footsteps

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