Woman climbed on water tank in Rajgarh: Threatened to jump, brought down after much persuasion

Rajgarh (Bhopal)2 hours ago

There was chaos near Kendriya Vidyalaya in Rajgarh when a woman climbed on a water tank built nearby. And started threatening to jump from there. Seeing the woman climbed on the tank and hearing her voice, a crowd of people gathered. The people present immediately informed the police. After much persuasion by the police who reached the spot, the woman got down.

this is the case

Asha activist Asha Dubey, a resident of Kali Talai village of Rajgarh, got upset with usury and climbed the water tank near Kendriya Vidyalaya with the intention of committing suicide. And started threatening to jump from the tank. Asha told that she had borrowed Rs 2 lakh from Narayan Singh, a resident of the village. And she had returned him more than he had borrowed. But, despite this, Narayan occupied the house, stating the amount owed to him.

Request for help in public hearing also

The woman complained about this to the CM helpline to many officials but no one listened. Asha also pleaded for help in the public hearing held today but nothing happened. After no action was taken by the administration against the injustice, Asha climbed the water tank with the intention of committing suicide. After explaining to the police for a long time, the woman was brought down.

Kotwali police station in-charge Umesh Yadav says that there is a dispute over money transaction, the person on whom the woman is accusing, says that the woman had borrowed money from her, which has not been repaid. The front side is asking for money, so the woman is under pressure. The complaint of both the parties has been received in the police station, which is being investigated.

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