Two two-wheeler thieves, including women, controlled: Used to sell at a cheap price by putting fake numbers, 3 bikes and 2 Activas recovered

JalandharOne hour ago

Police and thieves caught with stolen vehicles

Two two-wheeler thieves, including a woman, have been caught by the CII staff during the blockade in Jalandhar, Punjab. They used to steal two wheelers parked outside houses or in secluded places earlier. After this, after removing their original number, they used to put fake number plates and sell them further at throwaway prices.

Police officials said that Jalandhar Urban CIA staff had put up a blockade at Transport Nagar. Vehicles coming and going at the checkpoint were being searched. Meanwhile, the police got secret information that a man along with his female friend was coming to sell the stolen Activa scooter. The CIA staff became active as soon as the information was received.

The police immediately put a guard on the service lane outside Radha Swami Satsang Bhawan near Pathankot Chowk bypass. As soon as the woman and her companion Lamma came on the stolen Activa scooters from Pind Chowk, they caught them. When he asked for the documents of the vehicles from both, he did not hesitate at first, but later the documents he gave turned out to be forged.

Police officials said that the arrested woman has been identified as Neetu Rani wife Sonu Lakha resident of Moti Bagh Laddewali district Jalandhar. There was no number plate on the Activa scooter recovered from Neetu. The thieves had removed the number plate after the theft. The second vehicle thief caught has been identified as Gurpreet Singh alias Gopi son Joginderpal, a resident of Chitti Colony, Bhattian Vet, Ludhiana.

After the arrest, the police registered a case against both of them and presented them in the court. The court has given two-day remand to both of them. During interrogation, both the arrested vehicle thieves have recovered three stolen motorcycles. Police officials say that many more revelations are expected during the interrogation of both of them. Neetu is of course a resident of Jalandhar, but she used to live on rent in the furnaces. And used to do some personal work of her own. Both have admitted during interrogation that they used to sell two wheelers at cheap prices by putting forged number plates to steal them.

Real numbers of stolen vehicles recovered

The police have also traced the original numbers of the five stolen two-wheelers. White colored Activa 3G number PB-10FQ-6682, White colored Activa 3G number PB-10EM-9340, three Suplander motorcycles numbered PB-09T-9478, PB-09U-0476, PB-08CQ-7386 have been recovered.

Do not doubt, so used to take a female friend along

The arrested vehicle thief Gopi used to steal most of the vehicles from different parking lots. After committing the theft, by putting fake number plates on them, he did not go to sell alone, but his female friend Neetu used to go along with it. Neetu herself used to take the stolen Activa so that no one would suspect.

26-year-old Gopi who works as an electrician and 37-year-old married Neetu Rani came in contact about a year ago. After that the two became friends. When friendship happened, the closeness also increased. After this, in the affair of friendship, Neetu also rented a room on rent near her friend Gopi’s house. After this, both of them started doing business of selling stolen vehicles to become rich overnight. In the past also, a case of intended murder is registered against Gopi in Ladoval police station.

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