Transportation tender scam in Ludhiana: Vigilance filed a case against the company, used to transport fake number plates, 1 arrested

LudhianaOne hour ago

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Vigilance has exposed the scam of transportation tender in the grain markets in Ludhiana city of Punjab in 2020-21. It is being told that the accused used to transport goods by putting fake number plates on the vehicles. At the same time, the accused got the numbers of the wrong vehicles written in the department before taking the tender.

During the investigation, it was now found that the numbers which were written belonged to the school, motorcycle etc. Vehicles having this number are not valid for carrying goods. The Vigilance Bureau has registered a case against the owner/partners of Gurdas Ram & Co.

The FIR, registered by the Vigilance, also includes officials/employees of the State Food and Civil Supplies Department and employees of the concerned procurement agencies for irregularities in accepting labour, haulage and transport tenders for grain markets in Ludhiana district.

The accused have been arrested by the Vigilance Bureau Range Ludhiana, the accused contractor and owner Telu Ram, resident of village Udhanwal, SBS Nagar. State Vigilance Bureau spokesperson said that after examining the allegations made in complaint no. 72/2022, Telu Ram, owner of the above private firm under FIR No. 11 dated 16-08-2022 under sections 420, 409, 467, 468, 471, Apart from Jagroop Singh and Sandeep Bhatia, a case has been registered against the government officials under the Prevention of Corruption Act.

The Vigilance Speaker said that during the investigation it has been found that in respect of labor, haulage and transport works in Ludhiana District Food Supply Department at the time of submission of tender for the year 2020-21, the vehicles which are for transportation on behalf of the said company. They were the registration numbers of scooters/motorcycles/cars etc. with the above contractors.

The numbers of these vehicles were not even checked with the connivance of the employees and officers of the department. For this reason, a case has also been registered against some officers of the department. He said that it is wrong to get direct bidding without checking.

The spokesman said that the gate passes related to loading/unloading of food grains, registration numbers of vehicles used for carriage of scooters/motorcycles/cars etc. have been found as such vehicles cannot transport goods.

He said that along with the registration number of the said vehicles, the details of quantity of the item mentioned in these gate passes seem to be fake reporting and embezzlement of food grains mentioned in these gate passes.

Let us tell you that on the basis of these gate passes, the officials of the department made payment to Telu Ram Contractor, owner/partner of Gurdas Ram & Co. Jagroop Singh and Sandeep Bhatia contractor without any investigation.

It is worth mentioning that in this case about 2 months ago, on behalf of some transport owners and contractors, Cabinet Minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu was accused of benefitting some contractors and contractors and cheating crores of rupees. Now after investigation in this case, the Vigilance has started making an FIR by making an arrest.

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