Taiwan is important for both China and America, so what is the dragon doing to take over here?

China-Taiwan Tension: Is the Chinese army preparing for a major attack on the island of Taiwan? Is China executing the final check before this big attack? Is China engaged in strengthening mobilization to deal with the reaction of America and other countries on Operation Taiwan? There are many questions that have been floating in the East China Sea and the South China Sea near Taiwan for the past few days. Their answers are not clear directly, but the steps of the Chinese army that have come to the fore during a few days are at least marking such a plan.

Chinese navy video saying a lot

The Chinese Army has released a latest video of an amphibious operation with the Navy. In this, the joint squads of the army and navy reach the sea route and carry out aggressive action. Commando squads, landing craft and armored vehicles are being used in this operation. Not only this, in this video of practice, preparations have been made according to the real time situation. In this, the soldiers were asked to be ready as if the action was actually being carried out. Obviously, such military exercises are meant to assess the time and resources required in the actual operation. Along with this, shortcomings and lapses in preparations are also detected through them so that the operation can be made stick and lethal.

Live Firing from Chinese Navy Warship

Now look at another picture. This picture is of live firing from a Chinese Navy warship in the sea. In which heavy firing is being done on the side of the enemy. By the way, this is also an exercise video. Apparently, under the guise of such a bombing action, the action of amphibious landing, that is, to transport its troops to the shoreline of enemy territory, is done. The third picture is of a Russian warship that has reached the area of ​​Qingdao along the East China Sea to participate in the Seekup military game. Not only this, the Chinese army will send a large squad to Russia for maneuvers in late August. Although it is a joint exercise in which Russia has invited India, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Belarus apart from China. The exercise, which runs from August-30-September 5, 2022, also assumes significance as it is the first time Russia is hosting such a multinational military exercise since the start of the Ukraine war.

China studied Ukraine-Russia war

Like many big countries, the Chinese army has also studied the Ukraine War. Chinese experts believe that the Chinese PLA has also prepared its lessons. This means that if China had to take action against Taiwan, it would not repeat the same mistakes as the Russian army. Also, whenever China will carry out such an operation, it will land it on the ground in a short time and with great force. According to experts, the Chinese army will carry out such an operation with a large number and heavy force. Also, as soon as it enters Taiwan, it will cut off its leadership, communication system and maritime connectivity. That is, the President of Taiwan may not even get time to make videos and garner support like Ukraine’s President Zelensky. Due to this, it will also be difficult to get help for Taiwan surrounded by the sea all around.

taiwanese army equipped with modern weapons

Admittedly, it is too early to say that China will do everything very easily in the case of Taiwan. Taiwan’s army may be small but it is also equipped and ready with modern weapons. Not only this, Taiwan has prepared a network of bunkers and barriers all over its coast. In such a situation, it will not be easy for the Chinese soldiers coming to the Taiwan coast through the Amphibious operation. At the same time, China will face the same challenge of guerrilla fighting in densely populated cities, due to which the Russian army in Ukraine had to step back.

China at risk of confrontation with America

Any action by China against Taiwan will be a direct challenge to America and many surrounding countries as well. It also has its risks. That is, if America moves to help Taiwan, then there is a danger of a direct confrontation between it and China. Whose picture will be very frightening. Along with this, due to any such action, China will lose the trust it has been with many of its neighbors. In such a situation, there will be a challenge before China to sacrifice its business and business at the cost of Taiwan. Obviously its price is also huge. The question of how long China will be able to keep Taiwan with a population of 2.36 crore is also a serious question. The reason is that a large population of Taiwan neither wants to merge with China nor is ready to accept its suzerainty.

Why does China ask for Taiwan?

The question also arises that why does China want Taiwan? The reasons for this are historical, political and economic. When the Communist Party government came to power in 1949 after the civil war in China, the then ruling Kumintang Party leader and its leader Chang Kai-shek went to Taiwan and declared it as the Republic of China. For a long time, Mao talked about annexing Taiwan to China. At the same time, Chang Kai-shek kept talking about regaining the power of Beijing with the help of Western countries including America. That is, both kept claiming that they are the real China. However, for China’s ruling Communist Party, connecting Taiwan with mainland China is a national agenda that has been talked about by all Chinese presidents from Mao to Xi Jinping. At the same time, power in Taiwan has come from the Kumintang Party to the DPP. But opposition to any such attempt at merger remains.

Taiwan is important for the dragon

Taiwan is important for China on the strategic front as the island is a geographical barrier to its dream of becoming a global superpower. For this, just understand the map. China, the largest country in population and the third largest in size on the earth, is surrounded by land neighbors on one side and on the other side by a wall of many small islands. In such a situation, if the island of Taiwan comes under its control, then it will have open access to the Pacific Ocean. Along with this, there will be an opportunity for him to block the supply of neighbors like Japan and Korea. Along with this, many military bases of America will also come under its full control. Obviously, neither the US would like this nor the neighbors of the Pacific Ocean like Japan, South Korea and Australia. Not only this, there are concerns of many countries including Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia regarding any such maneuver of China.

Taiwan’s financial strength

It is also necessary to talk about the economic power of the island of Taiwan, which has the shape of a sweet potato on the map. In the list of Fortune 500 companies of the world, about 10 companies are from Taiwan. At the same time, in this era of information technology running on the engine of computer programming, 60 percent of the semiconductor chips of electronic equipment are made in Taiwan alone. That is, they are needed to breathe life into every electronic device from home appliances like TV screens and mobile phones to fighter planes, missiles and drones and robotics. In such a situation, China’s control over Taiwan directly means its one-sided dominance over the semiconductor business.

Brothers separated from China-Taiwan political dispute

Even if China and Taiwan are two brothers separated by a political dispute at the turn of history. But his story is not complete without talking about America’s role and policy confusion created under a well thought out strategy. Where on the one hand America gives military aid to Taiwan. At the same time, it also says that it is a supporter of one-China policy and does not support Taiwan’s independence. But in 1971, after the American U-turn leaving Taiwan and taking the side of Beijing, the seat of the United Nations (UN) came to the hands of the People’s Republic of China.

Here the US has kept its leg stuck in the whole matter through the Taiwan Relations Act 1979 and through three assurances and 6 messages. That is, he cannot be considered out of this quarrel. Although no one knows that if China takes any direct military action against Taiwan someday, will America intervene militarily while advancing its Seventh Fleet? Take the example of Ukraine. Despite being a member of the UN and being a sovereign country, Ukraine had to bear the brunt of the fighting alone. In such a situation, no one knows how the path will be found for Taiwan in the absence of a member of the UN and lack of formal diplomatic relations with most countries.

Also read:

China: China’s new move, after sending ship to Sri Lanka, now preparing to send army to Pakistan

China-Taiwan Tension: ‘We are also confident, capable and determined to protect our security’ – Taiwan’s bluntness to China

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