National Nutrition Week 2022: Health tips for people who are always on the move

Nutrition is something simple that is often complicated by so many people but for those who…

National Nutrition Week 2022: Guilt-free healthy snacking options during Ganesh Chaturthi

Snacking nowadays plays a vital role in everyone’s life where snacking while reading books or in…

National Nutrition Week 2022: Tips to add a variety to your diet with Flexible Dieting

ByZarafshan Shiraz, Delhi Flexible dieting is a dieting technique where once you fix your calories, as…

4 health benefits of adding whole grains to your diet

Whole grains are grains of any cereal that have all the three parts – endosperm, germ,…

National Nutrition Week 2022: Important tips to stay healthy and fit

These days, maintaining your health and fitness is regarded as one of the hardest challenges and…

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