Secrets will be revealed on the birth of Corona virus! Resolution passed in the US House

Origin Of Coronavirus: The House of Representatives, the lower house of the US Parliament, unanimously accepted…

‘Russia can’t change borders’, says Joe Biden after passing condemnation motion at UNGA

Russia-Ukraine War Update: The ongoing war between Russia-Ukraine is not taking its name to stop. Meanwhile,…

‘Jackie, are you here?’, Joe Biden calls out to female MP who lost her life in a car accident

Joe Biden: A video of US President Joe Biden has surfaced, in which he is calling…

US President Joe Biden said, ‘Russia violated the UN Charter in Ukraine’

Joe Biden Speech UNGA: US President Joe Biden, while addressing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA),…

What did Joe Biden say about the arms embargo in America?

Joe Biden on Assault Weapons: Incidents of gun firing have been frequent in America. Many people…

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