Diabetes: Signs that your blood glucose levels are too low

Controlling blood sugar levels is important for people with diabetes to avoid health complications. While persistent…

7 everyday habits to prevent heart attack

Are we leading a heart-healthy lifestyle? A string of recent celeb deaths from Sonali Phogat, KK,…

Feel hungry all the time? 5 foods that will keep you full

It’s natural to feel hunger pangs and they are in fact an indicator that our body…

Tips for Type II Diabetic patients: Nutritionist suggests

Published on Aug 21, 2022 05:17 PM IST Type 2 Diabetes comes with multiple treatment options,…

Calorie-free sweeteners affect microbiome and glycemic response: Study

Since the late 1800s non-nutritive sweeteners have promised to deliver all the sweetness of sugar with…

Losing weight after 60: Healthy diet plan and exercise tips for seniors

A recent survey has shown that approximately 23% of the elderly in India are overweight while…

Wonderful health benefits of eating moong beans every day

Whether you are recovery from an ailment or working on your immunity or appetite, moong dal…

Early greying bothering you? Add this natural ingredient, rich in antioxidants, to your hair care routine

Healthy hair is the hallmark of good internal health and youth and while human societies have…

Ever tried rainbow diet? Amazing benefits of adding colourful foods to your plate

Who doesn’t like to look at a rainbow that wins your heart instantly with its colourful…

क्या है हाइपोग्लाइसेमिया कंडीशन, जानिए इसे कैसे कंट्रोल करें

Types Of Diabetes: डायबिटीज (Diabetes) 3 तरह से होता है, जिसमें पहला है टाइप-1 डायबिटीज ये…

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