Road Safety Awareness Campaign: Traffic Police gave training to drivers of school vehicles, drive vehicles keeping in mind the rules, otherwise action will be taken

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  • Traffic Police Gave Training To The Drivers Of School Vehicles, Drive Vehicles Keeping In Mind The Rules, Otherwise Action Will Be Taken

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An awareness campaign is being run regarding road safety, in this episode a meeting was organized at Dhar traffic police station regarding the drivers of school vehicles.

Through the meeting, the drivers were also given training and they were given detailed information about the important rules. So take special care while driving on the road.

Addressing the training session, SHO Rajesh Barwal said that there is a need to pay serious attention to ensure that there is no negligence in the transportation of school children. If any driver is negligent in this regard, action will be taken against him as per rules.

While explaining to the drivers, Barwal said that the windows of educational vehicles should be fitted with horizontal bars as per rules for the safety of the students. Also, there should be no curtains or black glass on the windows and vehicle side indicators should be turned on while students get down and board from the vehicles.

So that other drivers can be shown the school bus from a distance. At the same time, proper arrangements should be made to keep children’s bags, tiffin and water bottles in school buses, only such vehicles should be operated.

LPG vehicle banned

The programs are being organized by the department under the guidance of Dhar SP Aditya Pratap Singh. In more than 10 schools of Dhar, 100 drivers, including 100 drivers, have been given immunization by the traffic department.

Under the campaign, wide publicity is being disseminated among the general public regarding traffic rules and road safety. The message of road safety is being lived by the police department across the district through announcements, pamphlets distribution, vehicle rallies on major roads.

At the same time, in educational institutions, students are being made aware about the rules of traffic. It was told in the program that LPG fuel should not be used in the vehicles of school children, which is completely banned, if such vehicles are shown during the campaign in the city, then action will also be taken against them by the department.

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