Raid on illegal hookah bar in Greater Noida: Hookah bar was running illegally in the mall, 3 arrested from the spot

Greater Noida36 minutes ago

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Police raid on illegal hookah bar in Ansal Mall.

An illegal hookah bar was raided by the police and the excise department on Monday at Ansal Mall in Greater Noida. Boys and girls were intoxicating in the hookah bar. This hookah bar was illegally run where liquor was also being served. During this, the police also caught 25 boys and girls from the bar.

In fact, the Knowledge Park police station had received information from the informer that hookah bars are running illegally in Ansal Mall and here youth are intoxicated. After this, police officers and Excise Inspector raided Lucifer Bar and Cafe located in Ansal Mall. During this, 25 youths and women were found in the cafe. Many of whom were also smoking hookah.
A stampede broke out during the raid

On seeing the police in the bar, there was a stampede but the police caught the young girls and three other people present there. was acquired for.

young men left with instructions

Although the police released 25 youths present in the bar, instructing them not to do such work in future, but arrested four people including the owner of the bar. The employees were arrested. Action is being taken by registering a case against all of them including another owner Himashu.
Police arrested three including hookah bar owner.

Police arrested three including hookah bar owner.

Additional DCP Vishal Pandey said that on Monday after the information of the informer, a raid was conducted on the illegal hookah bar running in the mall. During this, 25 youths and women were present on the spot. They were released after giving strict instructions but the owner, manager and another employee of the bar were arrested. Legal action is being taken against them.

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