Now corona test of fishes is also being done in China, decision taken after increasing cases in Xiamen

China Covid-19 News: In China, the fear of corona is still spreading so much that along with humans, the Kovid test is being done on animals as well. Now a video from Xiamen city of China is going viral in which health workers can be seen taking samples of fish caught from the sea and brought through trade to test them. Is.

In fact, more than five million people were ordered to undergo a Kovid-19 test after around 40 cases of corona were reported in Xiamen city. Now along with humans, Kovid test of animals is also being done here. An official notice said that some sea creatures are also expected to be involved in the new Kovid testing campaign.

Along with fishermen, sea creatures are also being tested

In recent weeks, Xiamen’s Jimmy Marine Epidemic Control District Committee issued a notice saying that when fishermen return to their ports, both fishermen and their seafood should be tested for COVID-19. After this, several videos surfaced on social media, in which medical workers were seen doing the Kovid-19 PCR test of live fish and crabs.

China has already done Kovid test of animals

The Chinese media has long expressed concern that sea creatures may be related to the corona virus. Kovid-19 started in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. Then it was said that this virus originated from the seafood market of Wuhan. However, the spread of corona from animals has not been proved. However, during this campaign of China in the last two years, not only fish but also other animals have been tested for Kovid-19. In May, Chinese media circulated footage of a hippo being tested at a wildlife park in Huzhou, eastern Zhejiang.

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