Itchy skin after Noida twin towers demolition? Skincare tips by expert

Noida’s twin towers were demolished on Sunday putting an end to an almost a decade-old legal battle. While the evacuated residents in the adjoining buildings are back home, they have been advised to wear N-95 mask and stay indoors by experts. The rubble of demolished Supertech Twin Towers will take months to clear and while all precautions have been taken to minimise pollution caused by the demolition, it is expected that concrete dust particles will be in neighbourhood air for the coming months. Apart from respiratory issues, exposure to dust can also cause skin allergies and it is important to take care of your skin if you are staying a few kilometres around the demolition site. (Also read: Noida Twin Tower Demolition: Dos and don’ts to keep in mind if you live in the neighbourhood)

“Itchy skin because of dust contact or the dermatitis is likely to be a common side effect of this historic demolition drive. The common symptoms are itchy and reddened skin and itchy eyes, scratchy throat, itchiness in nose etc. Cement dust can cling to skin because of sweat and wet clothing and become a caustic solution that can damage the skin’s protective barrier,” says Dr Rinky Kapoor Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics & Fortis Hospitals, Mumbai, India.

Men, women, and children living around the demolition area will need to be extra vigilant about skin care for the rest of the year. Here are some simple skin care tips by Dr Rinky to prevent and sooth itchy skin.


· Remove earrings, watches rings etc because dust can settle under and in it and cause skin irritation.

· Minimize the use of harsh chemicals, fragrances, and allergens. Choose the skin care products wisely.

· Cement dust and other dust can stick to the bedding, pillows, carpets, rugs, pets, furniture, curtains, blinds, toys, and stuffed animals. To avoid this, wash the bedding and other clothes in hot water and dry in a closed safe area. Clean your home with vacuum cleaner and then a wet dusting cloth to trap the dust. Fold away the carpet for a few days.

· Get the face mask out of your purse and use it even when you are indoors in the house.

· Use a scarf or bandana to protect your scalp and hair.

· If you want to oil your skin then make sure you don’t leave the oil on overnight. Just half hour before washing is sufficient.

· Use a gel based serum and moisturizer on the skin and layer it heavily.

· Quit smoking with immediate effect. It will only worsen the skin condition.

· Drink at least 3-4 litres of water every day.

· Overalls, long sleeved shirts, and trousers will form a barrier between your skin and the cement.

· When going out make sure you have your eye wear on with an UV protection

For immediate relief from itching

· Use an ice pack, or cold and wet cloth and the itchy area till the itch subsides.

· A simple oatmeal soak or bath will relive the skin greatly.

· Bath with lukewarm water and limit the shower to less than 10 minutes.

· Use calamine lotion and other cooling agents on the itchy skin.

· Place your additive free moisturizer in the fridge for a few minutes before applying. It will help cool the skin.

· Opt for cotton clothes.

If the itch is severe then consult your dermatologist for the right treatment. Apply the medication before moisturising.

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