Independence celebration continues in Gorakhpur: Police, PAC and GRP took out the tricolor yatra, the city immersed in the atmosphere of patriotism

Gorakhpur3 hours ago

On Tuesday, the second day of Independence Day in Gorakhpur, there was a celebration of ‘Amrit Mahotsav’ of independence. Tricolor yatra was taken out by Gorakhpur Police in the city. Along with the police, the personnel of Traffic Police, Women Police, GRP and 26th Corps PAC also participated.

The Tiranga Yatra started from the police line at 7 pm on Tuesday and reached the police line back via Vijay Chowk, Kachari intersection. During this, a large number of policemen were seen marching on the streets of the city with the tricolor in their hands.

crowd gathered
A crowd of spectators gathered on the route through which the tricolor journey of the police passed through the city in such a large number. During this the whole city was immersed in the atmosphere of patriotism. On this occasion, SP Traffic Dr. MP Singh including CO Traffic, CO Gorakhnath and other officers and employees of Police were present.

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