In Japan, youth are being appealed to drink more alcohol, know what is the matter

Drink More-Boost Economy: To avoid alcohol, friends, relatives or relatives start counting all the losses. People are advised not to drink alcohol. Consciousness of quitting alcohol also awakens on the health harm caused by continuous drinking, but it becomes very difficult for people to give up the urge. On the one hand, most people are in favor of giving up alcohol. On the other hand, the Japanese government is appealing to the youth to drink more alcohol. Let us know why the Japanese government is making such an appeal?

The current generation in Japan is drinking less alcohol than their parents, elders or ancestors. Due to this the tax on alcohol has come down. If there is a cut in revenue, then the Japanese government has started worrying about the future. The government has asked for a business idea to make its citizens drink alcohol. The government has sought this idea through the National Competition. The scheme of award has also been kept in this competition. The government believes that drinking more alcohol among the younger generation will boost Japan’s economy. In the competition, the participants will have to give the main idea of ​​​​high alcohol consumption, attractive branding and promotion of industries.

This can be included in the competition

Youth in the age group of 20 to 39 years can participate in this national level competition. Under this idea, the youth will have to be told how they can get alcohol consumed in their generation. Because the sale of liquor has dropped significantly. In this, strategy will also have to be made on cutting edge schemes including promotion, branding among the competitors. In this, preference will be given to the use of artificial intelligence.

Japanese media said this

Japanese media say, ‘There have been mixed reactions with some criticism about the habit of drinking alcohol that is harmful to health. Some people have also posted their thoughts on social media. Interested youth can participate in it by the end of September. Experts will be consulted before the final proposal is presented in November. After this, a plan for more alcohol consumption will be developed.

‘Alcohol consumption decreased by a quarter’

There is also a website for a campaign to encourage youth to drink more alcohol. Which says that Japan’s wine market is shrinking. Recent statistics from the tax agency show that people were drinking less alcohol in 2020 than in 1995. Estimated alcohol consumption has dropped by a quarter. According to The Japan Times newspaper, the liquor tax collected 5 percent of total revenue in 1980. Whereas in 2020 this figure was only 1.7 percent.

One third of the population in Japan is over 65

According to the World Bank, one-third (29%) of the population in Japan is 65 years of age or older. Japan has the highest proportion in the world. Japan’s concern is not only the economy. Rather, some jobs, supply of young employees, care of the elderly in future, etc., are also being planned to solve the problems.

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