Harvesting started as soon as the water level of Saryu decreased in Barabanki: People worried due to water reaching the village, said – even after complaining they are not paying attention

barabanki21 minutes ago

Harvesting happened after the water level of Saryu in Barabanki receded.

In many villages of Barabanki, the water of Ghaghra (Saryu) river has entered. However, the water level of the river has stabilized at this time. Due to this, the river is cutting rapidly in Tilwari village of Siroligauspur tehsil area. There is panic among the people due to the harvesting reaching the houses. The villagers allege that the information about the harvesting is being continuously given to the officials. But the officials have not arrived yet. Any employee who comes to see him goes back after making a mistake.

Villagers say that the village is surrounded by flood water from all sides. Difficulties have increased due to lack of means of transportation for the purchase of essential goods, school students, employed people etc. Every year the village is engulfed by flood waters. Due to no permanent arrangement, people have to face problems.

Villagers worried after seeing the erosion of water level of Saryu in Barabanki.

Villagers said – hearing is not being done even after the complaint

Villagers told that no work has been done this year on behalf of the flood division. All the people of the village pleaded to stop the erosion from the flood section, but there was no hearing. Many kutcha and pucca houses in the village have come under the influence of demolition. People are starting to worry about the house.

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