Fire broke out in gas cylinder while cooking: Accident averted due to woman’s alertness, police reached the spot

Shivpuri39 minutes ago

A fire broke out in an LPG gas cylinder while cooking food in a house located on Dehrada Tirahe in Lukvasa outpost area of ​​Shivpuri district on Tuesday morning, but the fire was extinguished by taking the cylinder out of the house with the alertness of the woman.

According to the information, the wife of auto driver Bhagat Lodhi, who was living on rent in the house of Mukesh Raghuvanshi at Dehrada Tirahe of Lukvasa outpost area, was cooking morning food. Then the fire broke out due to leakage in the pipeline in the LPG gas cylinder. Seeing the fire that broke out in the cylinder, the woman took the cylinder out of the house without fear. After which the cylinder fire was extinguished.

Due to the awareness of the woman, a major accident was averted. In such a situation, if there was a blast in the cylinder, there could have been a big loss of life. But due to the alertness of the woman, a major accident was averted. However, as soon as the information about the fire broke out in the cylinder, the Lukwasa outpost police reached the spot.

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