Feeling sleepy after lunch? Here’s how you can avoid it

Updated On Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

  • Protein-rich food items can help us in feeling fresh and fit, even after a heavy meal for lunch. It can stop the feeling of afternoon siesta.

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Updated on Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

Every time we have a heavy meal for lunch, we tend to feel sleepy. Especially after a meal, an afternoon siesta feels very tempting. However, the drowsiness and sluggishness that follows after waking up can slow us down and make us feel weak. Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee, in her recent Instagram post, addressed this issue and wrote about the various ways by which we can design the lunch meal to stop us from feeling sleepy.(Unsplash)

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Whether in office or at home, the feeling of hitting the bed and going for a quick nap is a constant for many after their afternoon meal. It usually happens because of the food we are consuming as part of the meal.(Unsplash)

Updated on Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

Whether in office or at home, the feeling of hitting the bed and going for a quick nap is a constant for many after their afternoon meal. It usually happens because of the food we are consuming as part of the meal.(Unsplash)

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Protein-rich food items can help us in feeling fresh and fit, even after a heavy meal for lunch. It can stop the feeling of afternoon siesta.(Unsplash)

Updated on Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

Protein-rich food items can help us in feeling fresh and fit, even after a heavy meal for lunch. It can stop the feeling of afternoon siesta.(Unsplash)

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Food items that are rich in carbohydrates should be avoided for lunch as they make us feel sleepy and drowsy.(Unsplash)

Updated on Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

Food items that are rich in carbohydrates should be avoided for lunch as they make us feel sleepy and drowsy.(Unsplash)

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Lunch time traps such as pizza, dosa and rice and curry should be avoided as they make us feel sleepier.(Unsplash)

Updated on Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

Lunch time traps such as pizza, dosa and rice and curry should be avoided as they make us feel sleepier.(Unsplash)

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Biriyani is one such another lunch time trap – easily available and tasty, Biriyani makes us fall asleep faster. It should be avoided for lunch.(Unsplash)

Updated on Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

Biriyani is one such another lunch time trap – easily available and tasty, Biriyani makes us fall asleep faster. It should be avoided for lunch.(Unsplash)

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Grilled chicken, vegetables and salads should be included as a part of the afternoon meal to improve the mood and the overall health.(Unsplash)

Updated on Aug 17, 2022 03:53 PM IST

Grilled chicken, vegetables and salads should be included as a part of the afternoon meal to improve the mood and the overall health.(Unsplash)


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