Dengue patients being found in flood affected areas: 15 patients found so far in Prayagraj, health department sent team to the areas

PrayagrajOne hour ago

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People have got some respite from the floods in Prayagraj after the water level of Ganga and Yamuna receded. However, new trouble has come for the people living in the flood-affected areas. There is an increased risk of other infectious diseases including dengue here. According to the records of the District Malaria Department, 15 dengue patients have been found so far. In this, 12 people have also become healthy, the remaining three patients are such that they are being admitted and treated.

No dengue infected patient has died. The risk of diseases like dengue has increased in Chhota Baghada, Rajapur, Salori, Shankarghat, Mayorabad, Rajapur, Ashoknagar. The two dengue patients found on Thursday and Friday are residents of Ashoknagar.

Team sent to flood affected areas
District Malaria Officer Dr. Anand Singh informed that teams have been set up for different areas for spraying the medicine in the flood affected areas. Symptoms of dengue are also being found in them. They are being marked and ELISA test is being done. So far 15 dengue patients have been found.

He said that dengue mosquito bites during the day. There is malaria mosquito in the morning and evening. Therefore, people living in the flood affected area must wear full sleeve clothes.
More than 10 areas of the city were in the grip of floods.  Now people are getting relief from the floods.

More than 10 areas of the city were in the grip of floods. Now people are getting relief from the floods.

anti larva spraying
The District Malaria Officer said that especially the people living in the flood affected areas have been appealed to pay special attention to the prevention of water-borne diseases. The more precautions are taken to control and avoid mosquitoes, the more effective prevention will be. The Rapid Response Team of Malaria Department is spraying and fogging with larvicides to spread awareness about water borne diseases.

Doctor said – do not take fever lightly
Dr Anand said that water gets polluted in floods. Bacteria and viruses grow rapidly in this season. Most of the diseases are caused by dirty water during this period. To avoid this, people of flood affected areas should eat fresh hot food and use clean boiled water. Put mesh in the windows of the house and do not leave the doors open. Use mosquito repellant. Drink more beverages.

If the fever exceeds 102 degrees Fahrenheit, keep bandages soaked in water on the body. Let the patient rest, continue to feed normally. Do not take any medicine in fever without consulting a doctor. In such a situation go to the doctor immediately.

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