Tips to prevent excessive skin drying in winter

Winter is dry and cold yet while we enjoy this season, we must also know a…

Fertility and diabetes: Steps diabetic people can take to ensure sexual health

Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent problem that has been associated with insulin resistance and high blood…

Heart disease and diabetes are interrelated. Here are tips for diabetic patients to keep cardiac problems away

Heart disease includes various problems that impact the heart hence, one can suffer from a stroke…

Haircare tips: Here’s what you should know pre and post-hair transplant surgery

With the advancement in all the cosmetology procedures, hair transplant is also gearing up. It is…

Rise in pollution is leading to asthma exacerbations. Here’s how to manage the condition

While the festivities of Diwali bring us a lot to celebrate, what it also brings with…

Osteoarthritis: Here’s how stem cell therapy works as pain relief to heal knee joint swelling

Arthritis or joint swelling is a common condition, affecting people above the age of 50 years…

अब रोबोट कराएगा फिजियोथैरेपी: आईआईटी जोधपुर ने विकसित किया रोबोट, कम समय में ठीक हो सकेंगे मरीज

जोधपुर22 मिनट पहले आईआईटी के मैकेनिकल विभाग के सहायक प्रोफेसर डॉ. जयंत कुमार मोहंता की टीम…

Ways to increase heart age and health

The importance of a preventive lifestyle cannot be overstated especially today when non-communicable diseases like diabetes…

Seborrheic keratosis: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of wart or mole-like benign skin tumours

Seborrheic keratosis is benign skin tumour that is commonly present in adult and elderly patients but…

PCOS Awareness Month 2022: Here’s how PCOS patients can boost fertility

ByZarafshan Shiraz, Delhi September is marked as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Awareness Month as PCOS is the…

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