Controversy over cow-buffalo entering the fields: Brothers-in-law beat widowed sister-in-law with sticks, broken fingers

Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh)5 minutes ago

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In Patiya village of Chhatarpur, a dispute broke out over the entry of cows and buffaloes in the fields. In which the widow woman was beaten up fiercely by her father-in-law and brother-in-law. In the attack, the fingers of the woman’s hand were broken and there were also serious injuries on her face. The woman was admitted to the district hospital. Where her treatment is going on.

Widow Sudha Raja Parmar (35), a resident of Patiya village of Bhagwan police station area, told that my cousin father-in-law’s cows entered her groundnut fields and started ruining the crop. So my 16 year old boy Prince went to his farm and started saying that uncle keep your cows tied and ruining our crop. Because of this, they started beating my son. When I came to know, I reached and started saving the son, meanwhile Bhupendra along with his brother attacked me with sticks. In which the finger of my hand was broken and there are serious injuries elsewhere in the body including face. I lodged a complaint about it in the police station. The police sent the woman to the district hospital for X-ray examination and treatment.

According to the woman, her husband died 5 years ago. Since then she is single. He has 1 son and 1 daughter both minors in the family who study. The old father-in-law lives with him. She runs the family by farming alone. She takes care of children and old father-in-law.

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