Case of culpable homicide against 8 police personnel: BHU student went missing from Lanka police station; Death occurred due to drowning in Pokhari

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  • Case Of Culpable Homicide Against 8 Police Personnel, BHU Student In Varanasi Disappeared From Lanka Police Station Two And A Half Years Ago; CBCID Was Investigating On The Orders Of The High Court

Varanasi6 minutes agoAuthor: Pushpendra Kumar Tripathi

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Shiv Kumar Trivedi was a B.Sc student of BHU’s Institute of Science. – file photo

A case has been registered against eight police personnel in Varanasi on charges including culpable homicide not amounting to murder. This case has been registered by Inspector Shyamdas Verma of CBCID (Crime Branch Crime Investigation Department) at Lanka police station on the orders of Allahabad High Court. This action has happened in the case of Shiva, a BHU student who disappeared from the Lanka police station two and a half years ago and then found dead.

The then Lanka Inspector Bharat Bhushan Tiwari, Inspector Pradyumna Mani Tripathi, Inspector Kunwar Singh, Head Constable Laxmikant Mishra, Constable Om Kumar Singh, Shailendra Kumar Singh, Vijay Kumar Yadav and Home Guard Santosh Kumar are accused in this case.

The police had taken away the night of 13 February 2020

According to Inspector Shyamdas Verma, Shiv Kumar Trivedi, a resident of Badgadi village in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh, was a B.Sc student in BHU’s Institute of Science. He lived in a lodge in Chittupur with a room on rent. On the night of 13 February 2020, Shiva was sitting alone in a silent manner near the sports ground on the BHU campus.

Arjun Singh, another student passing by, gave information on number 112 fearing something untoward. The police response vehicle came and took Shiva to the Lanka police station. When Shiva disappeared from the Lanka police station on February 14, his search began.

Shiva died due to drowning in this pond located in Kutulpur of Ramnagar police station.

Shiva died due to drowning in this pond located in Kutulpur of Ramnagar police station.

died on 15 February

According to Inspector Shyamdas Verma, after leaving the premises of Shiv Lanka police station, he did not know how Yamuna reached Pokhari located in Kutulpur of Ramnagar police station. He died on 15 February 2020 due to drowning in the same. He could not be identified then. When Shiva’s father Pradeep Kumar Trivedi reached Ramnagar police station after receiving information about the drowning of the youth in Yamuna Pokhari, he was told by the police personnel that the body belonged to someone else.

A PIL was filed in the Allahabad High Court by Saurabh Tiwari, a former student and advocate of BHU, regarding this matter. The CBCID started the investigation of the case by the order of the High Court. Shiv’s father Pradeep reached Ramnagar police station with the officers of CBCID.

He said that his DNA should be matched with the hair and teeth of the unidentified body found in Yamuna Pokhari on 15 February 2020. When the DNA report came, it became clear that the youth whose body was found in Yamuna Pokhari was Shiva.

Student Shiva (left) with his younger brother Umashankar.  - file photo

Student Shiva (left) with his younger brother Umashankar. – file photo

Why did CBCID file a lawsuit?

  • It is clear from the statement of Inspector Shyamdas Verma of CBCID and medical expert that Shiva was mentally unwell. The night he was brought to the Lanka police station. He was unable to tell his name or address. In such a situation, it was the moral and state duty of the police personnel of the Lanka police station to provide him adequate medical facilities. But, this was not done.
  • When Shiva disappeared from the Lanka police station, no effort was made by the police personnel of the Lanka police station to find him.
  • No information was given to the senior officers in this regard.
  • If medical facilities had been provided to Shiva or efforts had been made to find him immediately, he might not have drowned in the pond.
  • The police personnel of Lanka police station were grossly negligent in discharging their duties.
The students of BHU were agitating for a long time to get justice for Shiva.

The students of BHU were agitating for a long time to get justice for Shiva.

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