Block chief sued for objectionable remarks against CM: Hathwant uproar after the block chief’s audio went viral

Firozabad13 minutes ago

A case has been registered against Hathwant block chief at Jasrana police station.

A case has been registered against Hathwant block chief of Firozabad at Jasrana police station. He is accused of making objectionable remarks on Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. This report has been filed after the audio went viral. Police is investigating this audio.

Conversation between two people goes viral
In the audio that has gone viral on social media, two people are talking among themselves, in which one person is saying many wrong things about the Chief Minister. Rajesh Ali, a resident of Fatehpur Katina, has filed a case against Hathwant block chief Suresh Chandra Yadav at Jasrana police station, taking the basis of the audio. The complainant claims that this audio block belongs to Hathwant. He apprised the party workers about this video and has now filed a case.

police engaged in investigation
Suresh Chandra Yadav, who was Additional Chief Officer in District Panchayat Agra, has once been close to senior SP leaders. Leaving the job, he started active politics, but after not getting a ticket in the assembly elections, he had made a distance. The block chief says that neither he has made any objectionable remarks on anyone nor is he aware of any such idea going viral. He said that he is no longer in SP. At the same time, SP Rural Dr. Akhilesh Narayan says that in this case a case has been registered against the block chief on the basis of Tahrir. The audio is being checked.

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