Best Yoga asanas to keep yourself energized in this changing weather

Yoga is the addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul and after the joyous celebrations of Indian festivals with intake of delicious sweets, binge eating and with a dip in the temperature, it can be tough to stay active and productive. In this phase of the changing season, one tends to experience lethargy, low energy, stiff muscles and painful joints but it is also true that during this season, the body’s natural stamina and strength is at its highest peak hence, incorporating simple healthy Yoga practices in daily life will not only boost immunity and energy but will also uplift mood and provide strength to the body to defend against seasonal illnesses and other health problems.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Vaibhav Somani, Director at Gravolite, shared, “Winter is finally here and although we anticipate the normal congested chest, sore throat, runny nose, heated eyes, dry skin, and body aches, it is wonderful nonetheless. Unfortunately, the onset of a new season might have even more negative effects. Changes in weather during the seasons can throw the body’s internal clock off, which can lead to ailments including sleeplessness, indigestion, weight gain, depression, and cardiovascular or coronary problems.”

He suggested that while you can’t hasten the seasonal shift, you can turn the world-acknowledged boon of Yoga to up your health and recommended some of the top winter Yoga practices to help you out –

· Nauli: The immune system is strengthened, the metabolism is stimulated, and the blood pressure is controlled, thus keeping diabetes at bay.

· Kapalbhati: This asana is great for clearing mucus and stale air throughout the cold season.

· Bhastrika: By causing the diaphragm to move, it raisesthe body temperature.

· Surya Namaskar: It promotes mental clarity, physical control, energy harmony, and increased mindfulness.

· SetuBandhasana: This asana is excellent for soothing and elevating your emotions as well as melting your belly fat.

· Paschimotanasana: Older people enjoy it a lot because it doesn’t involve a lot of movement and relieves back discomfort.

· Ushtrasana: It aids in maintaining respiration and building muscles.

Prof (Dr) Gurjeet Kaur Chawla from Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Faculty of Allied Health Sciences in Faridabad’s Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, advised, “Whether at home or at the workplace, it is important to start practicing joint rotation – starting with moving the toes and gradually moving ankles, knees, hips, fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulders and neck to avoid joint pains and stiffness in muscles due to the changing weather.”

She insisted, “Daily practice of Surya Namaskar and basic warm up yoga asanas like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend), Trikonasana (Triangle pose), Balasana (Child pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), and Shalabhasana (Locust pose) are the best ways to keep body warm, strong and active. To overcome various breathing issues, cold, cough, viral fever and congestion in the chest; and for optimal functioning of nose, ear, throat, respiratory system as well as to improve blood circulation, deep breathing exercises and Pranayam can be incorporated in the Yoga routine.”

With these Yoga asanas and a little bit of meditation, one can experience a peaceful, joyous and healthy mind! This winter, Yoga can be an added layer of protection for you, giving you warmth and the stamina to combat common illnesses. In order to help you completely appreciate the spirit of the season, give yourselves a daily dosage of these Yoga treatments.

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