Anti-ageing tips: Hitting menopause? Here’s how to protect the skin from hitting menopause too

Menopause is a completely natural biological process that occurs when the ovaries stop producing large levels of hormones and in addition to testosterone, they produce the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone work together to regulate menstruation where estrogen also affects how your body uses calcium and maintains blood cholesterol levels but as menopause approaches, the ovaries stop releasing eggs into the fallopian tubes and a woman will have her final menstrual cycle.

Dr Chiranjiv Chhabra, Director and Chief Dermatologist at Alive Wellness Clinics, shared in an interview with HT Lifestyle, “Irregular periods, age spots, other signs of sun-damaged skin, dry skin, facial hair, hair loss, wrinkles, pimples, heart racing, headaches, muscular and joint aches, and pains, libido variations (sex drive), concentration and memory issues (often temporary), weight gaining and other types of acne are some common symptoms of menopause.”

Talking about the issues faced by women during menopause, she listed them as:

1. Flashes of warmth (a sudden feeling of warmth that spreads over the body).

2. Sweating at night and/or cold flashes.

3. Dryness in the cervix; discomfort during sex.

4. The urgency of urination (a pressing need to urinate more frequently).

5. Sleeping problems (insomnia).

6. Emotional shifts (irritability, mood swings, mild depression).

7. Dry skin, eyes and mouth.

Suggesting tips to not let your skin hit menopause too, she recommended –

1. Eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D: Menopausal hormonal changes can cause bone weakness, increasing the risk of osteoporosis because calcium and vitamin D are linked to bone health. Also, it’s critical to get enough of these nutrients in your diet.

2. Avoid eating trigger foods: Certain foods have been linked to hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. When consumed at night, they may be even more likely to be triggered. Caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods are also expected to begin food.

3. Hyaluronic Acid: When hyaluronic acid levels drop in the body due to several factors including aging, it is unable to protect the skin and tissues as much as it should, there is a need to get hyaluronic gels and serums which can be applied topically when necessary. Another option is an injectable skin remodeling treatment like Profhilo. This is when hyaluronic acid is injected directly into the skin’s layers for visibly hydrated, rejuvenated, and healthy skin. This therapy comes in many forms, including bio remodellers, skin boosters, fractional mesotherapy and lip fillers.

4. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables: A diet high in fruits and vegetables can help prevent several menopausal symptoms. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and can help you feel full, making them ideal for weight loss and maintenance.

5. Reduce intake of refined sugar and processed foods: A diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar can cause blood sugar spikes and drops, which leaves an individual tired and irritable. This may aggravate menopausal physical and mental symptoms. High-refined carbohydrate diets may increase the risk of depression in postmenopausal women.

Dr Chiranjiv Chhabra concluded, “Menopause is a part of ageing which connects a women’s physiological, ethnic and social aspects. Women in all cultures have irregular menstrual cycles and menopause in middle age. Relief through medical interventions continues to be an important aspect of treatment. Women can also use hyaluronic acid through profile as the treatment. One way seems certain: even after the recognizable signs of aging and the effect on individuality, numerous women welcome the end of reproduction as a relief for their bodies and a chance to try new things.”

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