Amroha youth murdered by slitting his throat in Rohtak: Returning home after traveling from Haryana to Gogamedi, was missing since night

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deceased Manoj Saini

A youth from Amroha was found murdered by slitting his throat in Haryana’s Rohtak district last night. The youth was returning home after traveling to Gogamedi in Haryana. It is said that when the bus stopped at a dhaba on the way, it had disappeared from there. After which searched for him throughout the night.

In the morning his body was found lying in a bloodied condition near the dhaba. Also told that the police, who reached the spot, took the dead body in possession and sent it to the PM. Family and relatives are still there. The relatives will bring the dead body to Amroha after getting the PM done tomorrow.

After traveling, all the devotees were returning by bus to Amroha.
Manoj Saini, 30, a resident of Kishangarh Chunabhatti in Amroha had gone on a Gogamedi Yatra in Haryana five days ago in a bus with his family, relatives and nearby local people. After completing the journey, he was returning home by bus.

Last night his bus had stopped at a dhaba near IIM Chowk in Haryana’s Rohtak area. It is said that during this time he had gone behind the dhaba for some work. But after that he did not come back.
Relatives of the deceased youth present at the spot in Rohtak

Relatives of the deceased youth present at the spot in Rohtak

Young man’s body found behind dhaba
His family members and other devotees searched for him a lot but there was no trace of him. This morning his body was found lying in a bloodied condition behind the dhaba itself. Along with this, the family members are suspected of killing the watchman posted on the farm located behind the dhaba.

Also, the relatives told that the police has sent the body to the PM. After registering a report, one accused has been taken into custody. Will bring the dead body home after PM.

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