Youth shot dead in Moradabad: The killers called and called in the park, talked for some time, then shot 2

Moradabad17 minutes ago

Anshuman Singh alias Kaka was shot dead.

A youth was shot dead in Moradabad on Monday night. The killers had called the young man to the park near the house. He talked to the young man for some time, then suddenly shot him 2 bullets. The number of killers is said to be 2.

CO Katghar Shailja Mishra said, “This incident of murder took place in the Brass Basti area of ​​Katghar police station area. At around 7.30 pm, three youths were sitting in the park located near the water tank here. There was a fight between the three over something. So much. Two youths opened fire on the third youth. The deceased has been identified as Anshuman Singh alias Kaka (24 years) resident of Brass Basti. The relatives say that the deceased was a student of LLB.”

Mother said – the killer called from home
Vinay, mother of deceased Anshuman Singh alias Kaka, said, “Our son was at home at 7 pm. Then he got a call from Subhash, who lives in the colony. Subhash is an acquaintance of my son. He works in the factory.”

“After Subhash’s call, Anshuman left the house. After a while I ran towards the gate when a fire sounded. Just then the neighbor Shubham came and said that Kaka Bhaiya was shot. I reached running. So my son was lying in a pool of blood in the park. Besides Subhash, his two other accomplices were among those who shot my son.”

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