Youth dies in accident in Rampur: Unknown vehicle collided while crossing the road, Rana used to work in Sugar Mill

Rampur29 minutes ago

File photo of Pramod, who lost his life in an accident in Rampur.

The laborer of Basti died in a road accident in Rampur. A worker working in a sugar factory was hit by an unknown vehicle while crossing the road in front of the factory. At the same time, the factory management is terming the accident to happen after the holiday, while the family members are telling the laborer to be on duty.

Pramod used to work in the Rana Sugar Mill located in Shahabad, Tehsil of Rampur. He had gone outside the factory late at night to get tea. While crossing the road, he was hit by an unknown vehicle. Due to this he died on the spot.

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On getting information from the relatives, he reached Rana Sugar Factory. The relatives say that the laborer was on duty, while the factory management is refusing. At the same time, the family also accused the contractor that he did not help them in anything. Pramod, a laborer, was married just 1 year ago and he used to work as a laborer in Rampur without a family. The family told that happiness was about to come to his house, before that the news of sorrow came.

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