Ye Diwali Tohfe Wali | Rasika Dugal: Giving something significant and of use is always better

Growing up, Rasika Dugal saw her grandmother plan personalised gifts for people around, on Diwali, and the actor is taking forward her legacy by celebrating the festival by giving back to the society in her own way.

“I usually try and identify if anyone around me, someone who works with me or works around me, needs something that could make a difference to their lives. And if I could contribute to that in a way that is not patronising,” Dugal tells us, adding, “For example, helping someone with tuition fees or a laptop. Giving something significant and of use is always better, in my opinion, than general gifts. Though there is much joy in receiving, and therefore giving, something not need based too.”

The Mirzapur actor reveals she is thankful to her grandmother for inculcating this habit in her and recounts how this was a norm on all special occasions.

“Birthdays, anniversaries, Diwali etc… we would celebrate at home, but one half of the day was also about sharing what we have with people who are less privileged. All her gifts were always so personal and thoughtful,” shares the actor, asserting that it isn’t about satisfaction, “it’s the only way to be when you live in a society which has so many inequalities”.

When it comes to her Diwali plans, Dugal has got a day off after four years, and she intends to make the most of it with her closed ones. Hence, this year, Diwali for her would be “quiet time” with friends who are like family.

“The last few Diwalis have been on set and while it was beautiful to be doing what I love doing most on Diwali, I am delighted that I am finally going to get to spend time with really close friends shortly after finishing a schedule of a hectic shoot. It’s the perfect combination of events. Work hard and then soak in the love,” she shares.

She reveals her annual ritual for the festival is cleaning her home. “Clean my house ! I am anyway a cleanliness freak. I find cleaning therapeutic. So Diwali is my excuse to dive into this,” she ends.

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