Xi Jinping will show his strength along with the dragon on National Day, know why today is special

China Will Celebrate his National Day: Today is the National Day of China, the world’s most powerful country, which repeatedly shows its eyes to America and pokes its neighbors in the nose. On this special occasion, Chinese President Xi Jinping will take the salute of the military parade and give his address. The program will start at 7:30 am Indian time.

Xi Jinping’s show of strength will be very important before the party Congress session to be held on October 16. Rumors like Jinping’s house arrest and ouster from power were widely spread last week.

changing history

The People’s Republic of China was established on 1 October 1949. The then leader of the Communist Party, Mao Zedong (Mao), founded the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, after a four-year civil war with the Nationalist Party or Kuomintang following the end of the Japanese occupation during World War II. Seeing the history of China completely changed and it took the place of China in many ways.

Tribute Day celebrated

A day before the national day, China observed a tribute day for the millions of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the country’s freedom struggle. Jinping, other top CPC leader Li Keqiang and other leaders paid tribute to the national heroes martyred at Tiananmen Square here.

Let us tell you that on 30 September 1949, the first session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference approved the construction of a memorial in Tiananmen Square to the immortal martyrs who laid down their lives fighting for the national interest. Since then, Martyr’s Day is celebrated on 30th September, a day before the national day.

1 week formal leave

At the same time, there will be a formal holiday in China for a week from Saturday to celebrate the National Day holidays. This year’s National Day is also special because it will be celebrated before the main Congress of the CPC to be held once in five years. This session of CPC (Congress) is proposed on 16 October.

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