World Sight Day 2022: Step-by-step easy eye exercises to improve eyesight, reduce strain

World Sight Day 2022: Looking at screens all day long is increasingly becoming a new norm, a toxic habit that is especially playing havoc with our eye health. As our dependence of various gadgets, computers, smartphones, television is increasing, overexposure to blue screen is leaving our eyes strained than ever before. We start our days with our mobile screen and after a hectic day in front of our laptops or desktops we once again unwind in front of a screen to watch our favourite TV show or movie. This digital eye strain could further increase with poor posture while using devices. This could cause a variety of eye issues from dry eyes, itchy eyes, blurred vision, headaches and red eyes. (Also read: World Sight Day 2022: Nutrition for pregnant women to avoid squint in babies)

World Sight Day is celebrated every year on October 13 and is an attempt to focus the world’s attention on eye health as a global issue. The day intends to raise awareness around eye health amongst individuals, families and communities.

“In this digital era of computers, smartphones, and television, overexposure to blue screens has become a common issue. This recurrent pitfall makes our eyes more strained than ever before. People often keep track of their full-body workouts but neglect their eye health. Such negligence is a public health emergency that can cause long-term damage to our eyes. On this World Sight Day, let’s ponder over the importance of our eye health and learn about some eye exercises that can protect and keep our eyes healthy now and for the time ahead,” says Ira Trivedi, Yoga expert, Founder, Yog Love and Celebrity Influencer.


1. Palming: It is one of the most important and beneficial forms of eye relaxation exercise. The warmth of your hands relaxes the eye muscles and increases the blood flow.

How to do it

● Rub both your palms together for at least 10 to 15 seconds or until they feel warm.

● Gently place your palms over your eyes in a way that fingers rest on your forehead.

● Continue the same palming process as long as it feels soothing.

2. Tratka: Also known as Yogic gazing helps in improving vision, focus and memory, this also strengthens concentration and develops willpower just like a meditation practice.

How to do it

● Keep the lights in the room dim and sit up straight in a comfortable, relaxed posture.

● Place an object, preferably a candle, two feet away.

● Continue breathing and focusing the gaze on the object without blinking for as long as possible until the eyes begin to water.

3. Figure Eight: Doing the figure eight technique with your eyes, improves eye muscle strength and flexibility.

How to do it

● Focus on the imaginary 8 on the floor.

● Start moving clockwise and slowly trace the 8 with your eyes.

● Repeat this technique in the same direction at least 10 times.

● Switch directions, and start tracing 8 while moving counterclockwise.

● Repeat the same step 10 times.

4. Blinking and cupping: This yoga technique cleans debris from the eyes, protects eye tissue, and prevents infection. It also stimulates circulation to the eye area and surrounding nerves.

How to do it

● Rub the palms together until you feel them warm up.

● Cup the eyes by placing the base of the palms over the eyes for ten seconds.

● Remove the palms.

● Blink as you look up, down, left, right, and forward. Blink 10 times in each


● Repeat the same round twice or thrice.

Pledge to make a simple conscious effort to improve your eye health by just performing the above-mentioned yoga technique every day and feel a great change.

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