Wipro Action On Moonlighting: Wipro Shows 300 Employees the Way Out! learn why

Wipro Action On Moonlighting: Wipro has fired 300 of its employees after they were caught doing moonlighting. Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji has given this information. He said that 300 employees who were working in Wipro in the last few months were found working together in the rival company which is against the values ​​of the company. Due to which he has been fired from his job.

While addressing the program of AIMA, Rishad Premji said that while doing any work in Wipro, any employee should work in any other rival company, there is no place for such employees in Wipro. He said that after such violation, taking action against such employees, they have been shown the way out. In fact, there has been a rapid debate in the IT sector regarding moonlighting. Last month, Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji had termed the moonlighting practice in the IT sector as a fraud. Rishad Premji wrote on social media platform Twitter that these days moonlighting of employees is in discussion in the tech industry. I want to say very clearly and simply, this is a complete fraud.

Recently, the country’s leading IT company Infosys has also warned its employees about moonlighting i.e. working in two places simultaneously. Infosys has sent an email to employees on September 12 with the title ‘No Double Lives’. The company said in the email that if found working simultaneously at two places, disciplinary action will be taken against the employee as well as loss of job. It is clearly written in the email that in the clause of the appointment letter of the employees, it is written that no employee can work in other places either on full time or part time basis without taking approval from Infosys.

what is moonlighting
This concept has increased after the increase in the trend of work from home during the corona period. Moonlighting cheating means that along with regular job, keep working in other places secretly. Work from home is going on in many companies in the IT sector. In such a situation, the employees are earning extra by working in a company other than the other.

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