Winter’s knock: Night temperature drops by 2.5 degrees to 13 degrees, daytime also below 30 degrees

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Late winter came late in the century, but it started knocking sluggishly. For the first time on Saturday, the day temperature dropped below 30 degrees and the night temperature came down to 13 degrees. Despite this, compared to November 12, 2021, the day was 0.8 degrees hotter and the night 1.6 degrees hotter. On Saturday, the day temperature was recorded at 29.5 degrees and the night temperature was 13 degrees. On November 12, 2021, the day temperature was 28.8 degrees and the night temperature was 11.4 degrees.

Let us tell you that winter usually knocks from the beginning of November. But this time with the beginning of the month, due to the active western disturbance, the cold winds coming from the north were put to a halt. Winter is over. But now the winter has started knocking due to the drop in the temperature.

It is believed that if the night temperature settles down by 13 to 12 degrees and keeps on declining with time, it is considered as the knock of winter. The month of November started with a night temperature of 13.7 degrees. But after that, the winter had stopped as it increased. But now it is slowly gaining momentum.

Favorable temperature for wheat crop
With the day temperature dropping below 30 degrees, it has become favorable for wheat. Due to this, the day temperature of 26 to 30 degrees is considered favorable for wheat sowing. Due to the fall in the day temperature, now the process of wheat sowing will start.

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