Wife cut private part of drunken husband who married five, killed him with an axe.

Singrauli Wife Killed Husband: In Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh, a woman attacked with an ax and killed her husband by chopping off his genitals. A man named Birendra Gurjar had been married five times and the woman named Kanchan Gurjar who killed him was his fifth wife. The body of the deceased was found by the police on 21 February. Police said that there were injury marks on his neck and private parts.

However, Kotwali police station in-charge Arun Pandey told that Kanchan filed a case against the unknown by giving Tahrir in the police station. Since then the police was engaged in the investigation of the case. The police interrogated all the suspects including many close relatives of the deceased and also conducted a thorough interrogation. During this, the wife of the deceased also came under the target of the police. When the police took the woman into custody and strictly questioned her, the whole incident came to the fore. Disclosing the incident, Kanchan told the police that her husband was a drug addict. He used to beat her a lot when he was drunk.

Police inquired the reason for the murder
During interrogation, Kanchan revealed that she mixed 20 sleeping pills in her husband’s food on the night of 21 February. She said that she first stabbed her husband several times with an ax and then killed him by cutting his genitals with a sharp weapon. After committing the crime, Kanchan wrapped her husband’s body in a cloth and threw it on the side of the road. Not only this, the accused woman also burnt the clothes and slippers of the deceased to destroy the evidence. According to the police, Kanchan Gurjar was the fifth wife of the deceased Virendra Gurjar. Earlier, four wives had already left him after being harassed by Birendra. The accused has been arrested by the police and sent to jail.

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