Why is there panic in the world over the coronation of Jinping? Here are five big reasons

Xi Jinping: Xi Jinping is once again ready to become the President of China. The 20th session of the Communist Party of China has started on Sunday (October 16). On October 22-23, Xi Jinping will be officially declared president for the third time. However, there is panic all over the world regarding the coronation of Jinping. After all, why is the coronation of Jinping prickling a super power country like America like an antler? From Japan to Taiwan and from South Korea to Hong Kong… why is this country in tension. Let us tell you five big reasons for this.

The first reason for tension – South China Sea

The South China Sea is spread over 3.5 million square kilometers. There are about 250 small and big islands on this piece of sea. This area is between the Indian and Pacific Ocean, which is surrounded by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines. During the Second World War, this entire area of ​​the South China Sea was occupied by Japan from 1939 to 1945. When Japan lost the war, China occupied this piece of sea.

For decades, China has been asserting its claim on the South China Sea. This piece of sea is not just important for China. There are solid economic reasons behind this. One reason is the minerals of South China on which the Chinese vulture has been eyeing for decades. Due to which America’s presence in the South China Sea has also been affecting China. For decades, the world has been watching and suffering on the waves of China’s grandeur, South China Sea. Especially after Jinping came to power. Gunpowder has been blazing in the South China Sea. With the coronation of Jinping, this aggression may increase further. This is because China does not want anyone to interfere in the South China Sea. There are reasons for this too.

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How much trade is done in the South China Sea annually?

The report of the Center for Strategic and International Studies states that 80 percent of the world’s trade is done by sea route and about a third of this trade passes through the South China Sea. About $3.37 trillion is traded annually from the South China Sea. There is a wealth of mineral wealth in the South China Sea. There are thirty thousand types of fish here. In terms of fish production, about 15 percent of the world’s fish production comes from the South China Sea. In such a situation, every country is interested in the South China Sea. In 2012, China banned fishermen from the Philippines from fishing here. The matter had reached the UN. Under the Law of the Sea Convention, the tribunal had given the decision in favor of the Philippines, but China had shown all the rules and regulations. At the same time, now China has laid siege to this piece of sea.

Another reason for tension – China’s eyes on Taiwan

Taiwan is under tension from the coronation of Jinping. This is because the conflict between China and Taiwan is very old. China has been asserting its rights over Taiwan. As soon as Jinping came to power, the hooters of fear in Taiwan have been terrorized many times in 10 years by the Red Army fighter jets in Taiwan. After the Ukraine war, China’s aggression increased further. A large movement of the Red Army was seen many times on the Taiwan border.

The third reason for tension – Taiwan and America relations

US President Joe Biden has said that America will defend Taiwan in the event of an attack by China. On the first day of the 20th session of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping stressed on the issue of Taiwan, saying that he will not tolerate foreign interference in Taiwan at all. In such a situation, it is believed that if Xi Jinping is crowned, then there may be a situation of confrontation between the US and China on the issue of Taiwan, which is no less than a big threat to the whole world.

Fourth reason for tension – Tension will increase on LAC

The power, constitution and government in China begins in the name of Jinping and ends in the same name. The coronation of Jinping is an alarm bell for India. This is because in the last 10 years, India has seen and suffered the whole picture of China’s grandeur. Violent clashes took place for the first time on the LAC when Jinping was in power. With this, for the first time in 40 years, a bullet was fired on the LAC. The army remained stationed on the LAC even in winter. From Ladakh to Arunachal, China continued to conspire. At the same time, after the beatings on the Chinese in Galvan in 2020, there have been situations of confrontation on the LAC many times. From building a bridge over Pangong Lake in Ladakh to building a rail network close to the border in Arunachal is proof of Chinese conspiracies.

The fifth reason for tension – the sound of revolution in China

With the coronation of Jinping, not only the world but the Chinese themselves have lost their senses. Whose bugle has been rang in Beijing. There is a rebellion in China against the coronation of Jinping. At the same time, the fun of rebellion is being crushed in Beijing. The arrest of the protesters has started. The accounts of those leading the revolution have also been blocked.

read this also- CPC is the party that controls power, power and law in China, elects the President every five years

read this also- Taiwan, Better China, Corona and National Security… Xi Jinping said these big things at the CPC session

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