Who is the new ISIS leader Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qureshi?

The Islamic State (ISIS), considered the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world, announced the death of its leader on Wednesday, 30 November. Now Abu Al Hussain Al Hussaini Al Qureshi has been made the new chief. IS always keeps information about its leaders secret.

He has done the same with Abu Al Hussain Al Hussaini Al Qureshi. His name has been announced by IS in the whole world on the injury of Danke. But his identity has been kept a secret. After all, who is this Abu Al Hussain Al Hussaini Al Qureshi who is now heading this destructive organization?

IS spokesman Abu Umar al-Muhajir announced the death of IS leader Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qureshi as well as the name of the new leader in a 10-minute audio message.

He praised his new chief and said that  He is experienced and our old Mujahideen partner. He is the son of the organization. Whatever decisions they will take for the organization, an opinion should be formed about them.

Apart from this, IS did not give any information about this new leader.  Also once again as always  This terrorist organization has given the world a riddle to solve. The world will keep speculating and he will keep attacking.

Although the death of the leader of this organization has happened at a time when he is facing his weak phase. In a matter of years, the world’s most feared terrorist network has been reduced in strength and now it has been transformed into a less powerful insurgency struggling only to maintain its identity.

Its activism is now only in the rural areas of the countries facing the conflict. According to Al Jazeera, the death of one IS leader after another in such a short time is a big shock for this organization. 

The Syrian government, which is fed up with IS, announced in October this year itself to launch a campaign against IS by involving other fighting rebel groups.

It may be noted that in the year 2017 itself led by American  The coalition forces had announced the end of IS in Iraq. While a similar announcement was made in Syria after two years. Despite this, both these countries have not been free from IS attacks.   

IS announced the death of Chief Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qureshi, but did not tell how he was killed. The audio message posted by IS only states that Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qureshi died fighting the enemies of God.

However, like the identity of the new gangster, IS has not fully revealed its identity. This year a strange incident has happened with IS when it has to change its 3 leaders within just 9 months.

As of 27 October 2019, the command of this terrorist organization is in the hands of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. On 31 October 2019, IS announced the death of Baghdadi and the group’s spokesman Abu al-Hasan al-Muhajir, similar to the announcement of the death of the current chief.

Baghdadi  After the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qureshi, the new leader of the organization was elected, but in February 2022, US President Joe Biden tweeted that US forces had killed IS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qureshi in Syria. is dropped. Like Baghdadi, he also blew himself up. 

Like the statement IS gives, it also has many names. It is also known by the names Daesh, Islamic State in Syria and Levant, Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham and al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham. In fact, Islamic State stems from Iraq’s terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, IS broke away from Al-Qaeda. With this, the dreaded terrorist organization Islamic State was born in the world. During its rise and fall, IS gave itself many names. The current IS called itself the Islamic State in Iraq in 2006 and renamed itself the Islamic State in Syria and the Levant in April 2013.

Then in the year 2014 the name was changed once again and it became Islamic State. In the same year IS’s relationship with Al-Qaeda also ended.  In February 2014, al-Qaeda disassociated itself from the Islamic State.

IS started increasing its activism more rapidly from here and it declared Khalifa rule to hoist its flag in Iraq and Syria with full force. This was the year when IS started spreading its feet rapidly in the world. 

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