When was Shraddha murdered: Police claims murder took place on May 18, friend said – Talked in July

New Delhi5 hours ago

Now the question in the Shraddha murder case is when did she get murdered? The reason for the question is two claims. The first claim is of the police, who are saying that Shraddha was murdered in May. The second claim is of friend Laxman Nadar, who is saying that he had a conversation with Shraddha in July.

Laxman made this claim in an interview on Monday. He told that in July, Shraddha had also contacted him through WhatsApp. Then Shraddha was very scared. Then he said save me, otherwise Aftab will kill me. I told this to his family members as well. There were frequent fights between the two.

Police had made 4 big revelations on Shraddha murder

Shraddha’s friend Laxman claimed that there was a conversation on WhatsApp in July. Shraddha was scared. – photo social media

1. The Delhi Police claimed on Monday that Aftab Amin Poonawalla strangled his 26-year-old girlfriend Shraddha Vikas Walker to death on May 18, about six months ago.

2. Police said that after the murder, Aftab cut Shraddha into 35 pieces with a saw.

3. Aftab bought a 300 liter fridge after the murder, so that he could keep the pieces in it. Used to burn incense sticks, so that the stench could be suppressed.

4. Every night for 18 days he would wake up at 2 am and throw some pieces of the dead body in the forest. Police arrested Aftab on Saturday.

Now read the full statement of friend Laxman Nadar…

This picture of Shraddha and Aftab is going viral on social media.  - photo social media

This picture of Shraddha and Aftab is going viral on social media. – photo social media

Laxman said on Monday that there were always fights between Shraddha and Aftab. In July, Shraddha also contacted him through WhatsApp. Then Shraddha was very scared. He said that if she stayed with him that night, he would kill her.

Laxman Nadar further said that along with some friends, he had rescued Shraddha from the house of Chhatarpur. Then they had warned Aftab that they would report him to the police. But then seeing the commitment of Shraddha for Aftab, he did not complain to the police. They started living together again.

Nadar told that in September, when Shraddha did not contact him after two months of the incident, he started worrying. Nadar said- I made many messages and calls to Shraddha but she did not answer. This made me worried about him. Because of this, I started asking common friends and other people about Shraddha.

When I could not get any information about her from anywhere, I finally told her brother Sreejay that Shraddha has not spoken for many months and we should inform the police. After getting this information, Shraddha’s father Vikas Madan Walker wrote a complaint to the Mumbai Police.

According to the police, Shraddha and Aftab’s relationship broke down a few months back when Shraddha asked him for marriage and he refused. After this Aftab killed him.

Did Aftab talk to Shraddha’s friend?
Police said on Tuesday that Aftab has used Shraddha’s Instagram account till June to show that Shraddha is alive. On the other hand, Shraddha’s mobile has not been found yet. It is suspected that the accused may have used it. Posted on social media platform from this mobile. Spoke to Shraddha’s friend Laxman Nadar on WhatsApp.

After the murder, father Madan told the story of leaving Shraddha’s house… she kept insisting

Shraddha was angry with her parents.  She wanted to be with Aftab and that's why both of them shifted from Mumbai to Delhi.  - photo social media

Shraddha was angry with her parents. She wanted to be with Aftab and that’s why both of them shifted from Mumbai to Delhi. – photo social media

Shraddha’s father Vikas Madan Walker said, ‘The family came to know about Shraddha and Aftab’s relationship after 18 months. Shraddha told her mother in the year 2019 that she is in a live-in relationship with Aftab. This was opposed by my wife and I. Then Shraddha got angry and she said that I have turned 25. I have every right to make my own decisions. I want to live-in with Aftab. I am not your daughter from today.

Saying this she started leaving the house, so my wife pleaded a lot. But, she did not listen and left with Aftab. We could get his information only from his friends. A few days later his mother passed away. After the death of my mother, Shraddha spoke to me a couple of times. Then she told that her relationship with Aftab has become bitter. During that time she also came home once and told that Aftab used to beat her up. Then I asked him to come back home. But, on Aftab’s persuasion, she went with him.

He said that if the daughter had obeyed, she would have been alive today. It is regretted that the daughter did not listen to him because of her stubbornness in love.

Shraddha shifted from Mumbai to Delhi to be with Aftab
Shraddha, 26, was a resident of Malad, Mumbai. Here she used to work in the call center of a multinational company. Aftab Amin is a food blogger. His personal account on Instagram is The Hungry Chokro, while his food blog is The Hungry Chokro_Escapades on Instagram. Aftab posted the last photo on his personal blog on March 3, 2019. The last photo he posted from his food blog was on February 2.

Aftab watched crime shows for murder, did a Google search to hide the crime

The photo is taken from Aftab's Instagram.  She is a food blogger.  He has not been active on Instagram since March 3.

The photo is taken from Aftab’s Instagram. She is a food blogger. He has not been active on Instagram since March 3.

Cause of Murder: Police arrested Aftab on Saturday. During interrogation, he told, ‘There used to be frequent quarrels between the two. She was pressurizing for marriage. On the other hand, Aftab also had relationships with many other girls and Shraddha was getting suspicious of him. There was also a dispute between the two on this matter. Aftab got fed up and killed him. Now the police have started searching Shraddha’s body after registering a murder case.

murder plot: According to police sources, Aftab had watched many crime movies and shows, including the American crime show Dexter, before the incident.

Conspiracy to destroy evidence: Aftab had also found a way to clean blood on Google to erase the evidence. Only after this he killed Shraddha and cut her body into 35 pieces by cutting it with a saw. He bought a fridge and brought it. Used to burn incense sticks to suppress the smell. Every night for 18 days at 2 o’clock throw pieces of reverence in the forest. Aftab made shocking revelations on Shraddha….Click to read full news…

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