What will be the guideline for those coming from Kovid affected countries in UP, read in 10 points

UP Covid-19 Update: There are signs of increasing outbreak of Kovid-19 (Covid-19) in the world including China, after which the Government of India is on alert. Under this, efforts have been started regarding the genome sequencing of the corona sample. At the same time, different states have also started issuing guidelines related to Kovid. The UP government has also issued new rules to avoid infection. CM Yogi AdityanathWill hold a meeting with the Health Minister and other officials regarding the increasing risk of corona infection, in which arrangements will be discussed.

What will be the guideline for those coming from Kovid affected countries

, In the guideline issued by the government, it has been said that the people who have returned from the travel of infection affected countries should be investigated.

, Such passengers coming to the airport should be marked in which other symptoms including cold and fever will be found.

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, In whom symptoms of corona will be found, they have been advised to stay in home isolation.

, The health department has been asked to make a list of people coming back from abroad.

, It has been advised for the people coming from abroad that their health condition should be taken for 12 to 14 days on their return.

, Instructions have been given that if they have any kind of problem, treatment should be provided to them.

, The health department has been asked to make arrangements for recruitment after identifying those affected by Covid infection.

, Adequate arrangements have been made for resources ranging from oxygen to RTPCR, CT scan, X-ray and pathology tests.

, Apart from this, instructions have also been given to collect sufficient quantity of masks, PPE kits and globs to take precautions against Covid.

read this also-

UP Corona Update: Alert regarding Corona in UP, new guideline issued, CM Yogi will hold meeting tomorrow

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