What does actress Debina Banerjee eat during pregnancy, know her diet plan

Debina Bonnerjee Pregnancy Diet: TV’s famous actress Debina Bonnerjee became a mother on 3 April 2022 this year. She gave birth to a daughter Liana. After about 12 years of marriage, Devini and her husband actor Gurmeet Chaudhary had a child. Only a few months after the birth of the first child, the couple came to know that Debina was going to become a mother again. In such a situation, the couple decided to give birth to this child as well. That’s why in the second pregnancy, Debina Banerjee is taking double care of herself. She has shared her pregnancy diet (Debina Bonnerjee Pregnancy Diet Plan) with fans by releasing a video on YouTube. In this, the actress also told in talks that in her pregnancy routine, she is also following a thing of Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt, who is going to become a mother soon.

Debina had become a victim of pregnancy diabetes
Debina is busy taking care of herself and her future child. The actress described her second pregnancy as a miracle. Now in a new YouTube video, Debina Banerjee revealed her pregnancy diet. She has openly told what she eats and drinks in her daily routine. In the video, Debina told that she had pregnancy diabetes and the blood sugar level had increased. He made changes in his diet to fix this. Along with this, Debina wants pregnant women to learn from this and avoid pregnancy diabetes. Debina is following a strict diet as per the advice of her doctor.

What does Debina eat for breakfast in the morning?
Debina’s morning starts with a cup of butter coffee, although she does not consume much caffeine but never forgets to take butter coffee. She said that it helps her digestion, as she never faced constipation during pregnancy. For breakfast, Debina eats an omelet of two eggs, a quarter of an avocado and gluten-free bread or rice cake. She consumes sufficient amount of protein.

Following Alia Bhatt’s recipe
After a while, she likes to eat fruits between 8 and 10 in the morning. Among fruits, Debina can eat only apple and pomegranate. Apart from this, the actress told that she tries to include a lot of salads in her diet. That’s why she follows Alia Bhatt’s Beetroot Salad recipe as a salad. He has started eating beetroot salad for lunch. Let us tell you that Alia Bhatt is also pregnant and is going to become a mother soon.

Debina’s pregnancy dinner is special
In lunch, Debina eats 200 grams of fish with some vegetables. She is forbidden to eat rice, but she does eat some rice. Debina also said that she has given place to bhelpuri or some fruit salad in her evening snacks, except pizza-burgers. Later she eats a bowl of soup or moong dal chilla for dinner. Debina is going to follow this diet rich in proteins and vitamins till she is a child.

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