What changed after becoming the Vice President of America … Will be shocked to hear Kamala Harris’s answer

Kamala Harris: America’s Vice President Kamala Harris gave an interview for the first time on TV after taking office. In this interview, many questions were asked to him. She appeared on NBC’s Late Night With Seth Mayors on Tuesday, October 11, 2022. In this show, he spoke on issues such as the Joe Biden-led administration’s fight against climate change, restoring abortion rights and amnesty on marijuana.

In the same program, Seth Meyers also asked him how much life has changed after becoming the Vice President. Responding to this, he said that now there is a high class problem like security restrictions. This has affected their daily life. Apart from this, she said that now she cannot go on a walk with her husband and cannot even do family chat with anyone in the group.

Kamala misses emoji the most

Giving an even more interesting answer, she said that now she misses the most emoji. He said that in the last one and a half years, the emoji has not been found directly. Recently, US President Joe Biden ordered the release of prisoners serving a sentence on marijuana. Speaking on the matter, Vice President Kamala Harris said that no one should go to jail for consuming ganja, right!

release of prisoners possessing ganja

Recently, President Joe Biden said that all people held in the country’s federal prisons on charges of consuming and possessing cannabis will be released. Let us tell you that during the presidential election campaign, Joe Biden had promised that he would take steps regarding this. He has announced this while issuing a statement regarding this matter. He said that people are in jail for possessing and using ganja and many lives were ruined.

read this also:

Marijuana: There will be no jail for possessing and using hemp in America, Biden said – the guilty should be released

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