‘Were they forced’, fans react as Squid Game: The Challenge contestants threaten to file a lawsuit against Netflix

Squid Game: The Challenge, commonly known as Squid Game 2, was released on Netflix with the intention of building on the popularity of the original installment, however, it has run into serious problems. Citing medical negligence and other issues, participants in this Squid Game-inspired reality show are thinking of suing Netflix and the creators.

Squid Game: The Challenge drops on Netflix today on November 22

Squid Game: The Challenge contestants claim Hypothermia and Nerve Damage

The British law firm Express Solicitors, which focuses on claims involving personal injuries, has revealed that it is representing two players in Squid Game: The Challenge. The contestants claim that they were not aware of the severe health concerns resulting from long periods of time spent crouched in the cold without moving.

For those who are unaware, the 2021 hit Squid Game was chosen for a reality show adaption that would omit the gory elements after the original series was criticized for claimed medical issues sustained during filming.

The two unnamed participants reportedly suffered from hypothermia and nerve problems while filming in freezing circumstances , according to details outlined by Deadline. These injuries are said to have happened while they were playing the first game on the reality show, “Red Light, Green Light.”

However, Netflix acknowledged that during a British cold snap, while filming at Cardington Studios, a former Royal Air Force setup in Bedfordshire, three of the game’s 456 players sought medical assistance. The streaming service rejected the claim of serious injuries asserting that ‘It’s untrue’.

CEO of Express Solicitors in a statement said “We recognise people may see this as a classic David and Goliath battle with the company and its production partners. Contestants thought they were taking part in something fun and those injured did not expect to suffer as they did. Now they have been left with injuries after spending time being stuck in painful stress positions in cold temperatures.”

Fans react on contestants threats against Squid Game: The Challenge makers

Fans appeared to have differing opinions about this news, though. Some already irate fans expressed their displeasure with the reality television rendition, saying that people ought to understand what they are getting into before acting in such a way. A viewer wrote “I think the contestant lawsuits are so funny and I hope they win because it’s essentially the mechanics and conditions of every Netflix comp reality TV show”, others said “How can they do this with a project that have all of them a huge International recognition????”, “They shouldn’t have agreed to do this then they’re lucky players aren’t really finished for good”

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