Vigilance action in Transportation tender scam: Sandhu on radar after Ashu, more than 100 registries received from OSD Manpreet, will present records today

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  • Vigilance Action In Transportation Tender Scam, More Than 100 Registries Received From OSD Of Captain Sandeep Sandhu

Ludhiana25 minutes ago

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Manpreet Iselao with Captain Sandeep Sandhu.

Vigilance had detained Congress leader Captain Sandeep Sandhu’s OSD Manpreet Issewal after former minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu, arrested in the transportation tender scam, was jailed in judicial custody. After interrogating Manpreet, he was released late in the evening. At the same time, today Manpreet will appear before the Vigilance with complete records of his property and other documents.

According to sources, 100 more registries have been received from Manpreet Issewal so far. Now in whose name are these lands and when the registries have been done, it is being brought into the investigation.

It is being told that 2 to 3 years ago Manpreet Singh did not have so much property etc., but ever since Manpreet Singh

Sandeep came in contact with leaders like Sandhu and Ashu and then he never looked back. Now it will be revealed only in the investigation that more than 100 registries belong to whom and when they have been done.

According to sources, Manpreet Isewal used to invest the money of the minister and his close friends in the purchase and sale of land, such things are also coming to the fore.

Vigilance is trying to interrogate Manpreet as to how he knows Bharat Bhushan Ashu and with whom he has relations. Let us tell you that Captain Sandeep Sandhu, who was already a special friend of Captain Amarinder, has also been mentioned in the transportation tender scam.

For this reason, if Vigilance sees the role of Sandhu in any transportation tender scam, then it will not hesitate to question him. Manpreet Issewal was also appointed in-charge by Congress in Halka Bhadaur.

According to sources, there was also a report to the Vigilance that the minister and other close relatives have hidden a large number of money etc. near Manpreet, but the investigation of the matter is going on.

Accused on Ashu, benefited 20-25 people
Ashu is being accused of a tender scam of Rs 2,000 crore. Vigilance is probing it. Ashu was accused by small contractors that there was malpractice in the tender of labor and transportation in the mandis of Punjab. 20-25 people were benefitted by ignoring small contractors. However, Ashu says that this tender is allotted by committees headed by DC. Charges are being made against him under conspiracy.

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