VIDEO of the explosions happening in the markets of Ludhiana: due to the negligence of power work, there was a sparking in the rain, there was power failure for many hours

LudhianaOne hour ago

Blast in electric wires on Gaushala road.

In Ludhiana, Punjab, there is a big negligence of power work. As soon as the rainy season comes, there are explosions in the power work wires laid in the streets and markets. Just a day ago, there was a blast in the wires in Jawahar Nagar Camp.

This explosion should also be such that the whole area shook. Where the people of the locality were scared by the sound of the blast, there was power failure for the whole day. People say that the power works officials do not repair the wires lying in the area from time to time, due to which these accidents are more frequent during the rainy days.

Similarly, late night there was an explosion in the main market on Gaushala road due to negligence of power work. The shopkeepers say that now is the hosiery season, due to which their goods worth lakhs and crores of rupees are lying in the godowns or markets, but Powercom does not repair the wires on which the tapes etc.

When it rains, the stars start banging. Due to the late sand explosion, it seemed that maybe someone had started a lit of firecrackers outside the shops. The explosions continued for so long. According to the shopkeepers, the light went off for about 6 to 8 hours. In the video you can see how the explosion is happening and people are running here and there.

The shopkeepers are demanding from the Minister of Power that such negligence should not be allowed in the markets and strict orders should be given to the officials that the repair of the power cables should be done in time so that such a situation does not happen.

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