Video of assault in district hospital of Rampur goes viral: Patients, attendants and doctor’s companions engaged in line clash

Rampur8 minutes ago

Doctor’s companion, timid and sick, fighting in the district hospital of Rampur

A video of assault in the district hospital of Rampur is going viral. In the video of the assault, the attendants, the patient and the companion of the doctor, who were standing in the line outside the doctor’s room, clashed and fought fiercely. Due to this there was an atmosphere of panic in the hospital for about 2 hours.

The fight took place outside the room number 12 of the hospital

A video has gone viral in Rampur. In this video, the attendant, patient and doctor’s companion are seen fighting with each other in the district hospital. In the line, they are seen throwing kicks and punches at each other. Hospital staff told that today in room number 12 of the district hospital, doctor Rashid Hussain was looking after the children. Rashid Hussain is a child specialist and there was a long line outside his room.

Fight for breaking the line

Many people clashed with each other to break the line in the long line. During this, there was a lot of kicking and punching. Someone made a video of the incident and made it viral. It is being told that the doctor’s friend also beat him fiercely. Due to the incident, there was an atmosphere of chaos in the hospital for about two hours and people were seen running here and there. It is being told that the police has made a settlement between all the people who beat up.

Chief Medical Superintendent Dr HK Mitra said that the doctor’s companion was putting people in line. During this time, the sick and the companions clashed with each other. A fight broke out between them. Now a settlement has been reached between the attackers Mohammad Ali, Areeb, Faizan Sarwar.

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